Seeking qualified, eligible non-governmental organizations and private companies (“offerors”) to submit proposals for future monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) related tasks under ESS+. pourInternational Business Initiatives|

IBI seeks qualified, eligible non-governmental organizations and private companies (“offerors”) to fulfill future needs for services to support USAID-funded Haiti “Evaluation and Survey Services Plus” (ESS+) Activity. Interested parties should respond to this solicitation which intends to select a short-list of qualified firms who will be eligible to submit proposals for future monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) related tasks under ESS+.

Successful offerors will be entered into the IBI’s standard Blanket Purchase Agreement(s) (“BPA”) terms. IBI may later issue Call Orders (“Orders”) when a new MEL task is initiated, on competitive or non-competitive basis to BPA holders to submit a brief proposal for specific services. This contract mechanism will allow IBI to procure anticipated MEL services from the short-listed firms to allow for streamlined, efficient procurement.

Description de taches

Both the cover letter and technical proposals of interested parties must be submitted by the due date and time indicated in the Solicitation Details section to the contact listed. PDF or MS Word document format must be used for submissions. If you do not receive email confirmation of receipt, please contact the point of contact listed. The subject line of proposal submission emails must reference the solicitation number.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Offerors must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements:

1. Be a private company or non-governmental organization with established operations in Haiti as follows:
a) Maintained continuous operations in Haiti for at least two years;
b) Dedicated local office with Haitian staff compromising at least 50% of personnel;
c) Active business registration and active bank account in Haiti.
2. Have or be able to obtain via a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number before an award of the first Order under the BPA;
3. Be financially stable and have adequate financial resources (or the ability to obtain such resources) as necessary during the performance of the BPA;
4. Have the necessary management systems and ability to meet required management standards, including the processes and systems necessary to meet the reporting requirements and data security and protocols to ensure the quality of information and its management and dissemination;
5. Must not have no active exclusion in the SAM ( or on a UN prohibited parties list;
6. Must not appear on the (SDN) and Blocked Persons for the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC);
7. Must not be on the United Nations Security Council ( ) Consolidated List of Sanctions.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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The following items are required to be submitted as part of the offer:

1. Cover letter containing:
? Eligibility Statement describing compliance with eligibility requirements. This statement must also include name of the company, President, CEO and controlling owners (including ultimate beneficial owners).
? Responsibility Statement stating that the offeror company is in good business standing, has no record of default or negative past performance, and has ability to obtain resources to perform services under the BPA resulting from this solicitation.
? Offer validity period.

2. Technical Proposal
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