Finale Évaluation of the NABuRRS ProjectpourWorld Concern|


A Neighborhood Approach to Build Resilience and Repair Shelters (NABuRRS), A three (3) years initiative funded by USAID through the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)


During the past three (3) years, World Concern Development Organization (WCDO), in partnership with Engineering Ministries International (EMI), has implemented in the great South of Haiti (Grand-Anse, Sud, Sud-Est, Nippes) the project titled, “A Neighborhood Approach to Build Resilience and Repair Shelters (NABuRRS)”, a three (3)-year initiative funded by USAID through the /Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA). During its implementation phases, the Project has engaged diverse stakeholders including local government, civil society, partner organizations, and local community members. The overarching objective of the Project is to facilitate access to safe shelters to vulnerable populations, especially in the South, during severe weather events. More specifically, the Project has planned to achieve the following strategic objectives:
• Strategic Objective 1: Selected evacuation centers are adequately repaired and upgraded to meet minimum standards.
• Strategic Objective 2: Selected evacuation centers are upgraded to meet minimum Sphere standards for WASH.
• Strategic Objective 3: Community members, local leaders, and Government of Haiti (GoH) officials have neighborhood-level evacuation plans as a result of evacuation and preparedness training.

The underlying theory of change of the NABuRRRS’ activity

The underlying theory of change behind the NABuRRS Project identifies community resilience as the product of three factors: knowledge, agency, and assets. Community members first need to know and understand hazards, vulnerability, and local capacity. Then, they must be equipped and empowered to exercise this knowledge through training and drills, coordination, and delegation of responsibility. Finally, resources must be provided at the local level to those who have the knowledge and agency.

Therefore, WCDO and EMI along with their partners have implemented this project in three (3) phases. First, WCDO has contributed to building a knowledge baseline of hazards, vulnerabilities, and resources/assets for every commune in the four departments, ensuring that every locality is covered. This includes mapping, measuring, collating, and sharing data with all stakeholders. Second, after prioritizing the most vulnerable locations, WCDO has provided further support to 100 communities with training, simulations, empowering of local committees, and delegation of local responsibility. Finally, and simultaneously, the 100 targeted communities were equipped with evacuation centers meeting minimum standards and infrastructure improvements as needed to ensure accessibility along the evacuation routes.

Description de taches


? 2,218,483 residents of four targeted departments
? 10,000 people, 2,000 households
? 100 community evacuation shelters (each repaired shelter will host 100 people)
? 10,000 people, 2000 households will have access to water, sanitation, and hygiene during a weather-related emergency;
? 7000 people are in settlements of project activity retaining shelter and settlement DRR knowledge two months after training
? 4,100 people participate in Disaster Risk Reduction training
? 4,000 people pass final exams and receive their certificates
? 200 shelter managers/supervisors and owners are identified and trained
? 100 evacuation drills are performed
? 100 brigades and volunteers received CERT/First Aid training
? 100 shelter supervisors/managers and owners received site-specific training
? 205 hazard risk reduction plans, strategies, policies, disaster preparedness and contingency are developed.
? 205 individuals, trained in PADR, retain skills and knowledge after two months
? 100 communities receive training, and simulations to empower them with DRR-related skills.
? 100 community evacuation centers are upgraded and equipped with minimum standards and infrastructure.
? Evacuation routes are improved to facilitate evacuation movements.
? Evacuation centers mapped and shared with communities and relevant stakeholders
? Community awareness and capacity to implement safe evacuations during severe weather events increase.
? Communities receive new or refresher training in disaster management (mitigation, preparedness, and emergency response)
? Communities receive training on CERT/First Aid
? Shelter supervisors/managers/owners receive training on shelter management to sustain readiness for severe weather events.
? Local Civil Protection Committees are formed, trained, and equipped to respond to disasters
? Search and rescue, First Aid and shelter brigades are trained and ready to be deployed
? Early warning systems are operational and community members are trained accordingly


The overall objective of the final evaluation is to assess, review, and the Project’s performance and achievements, identify and document challenges, lessons learned, and best practices, and formulate specific recommendations to improve the design and implementation of similar future interventions. This final evaluation should inform USAID and WCDO about the design and innovative approaches to consider for future similar interventions considering past interventions, and existing strategic plans of key stakeholders involved in saving lives in Haiti. To this end, the successful applicant will conduct the following key tasks, but not limited to: (1) conducting a desk review of all project documents and reports, (2) developing robust qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data, analyze the needed information to establish the commendations/impact/outcome, and endline values for the Project. Moreover, the Consultancy’s Team will contribute to animating a lesson learned workshop with the key Project stakeholders.

The evaluation will focus mainly on the following criteria as defined by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD):
• Relevance;
• Coherence;
• Effectiveness;
• Efficiency;
• Sustainability;
• Impact
See attached TOR for more information.

Bids should include the following elements or documents:
• Technical Proposal including a clear technical approach and methodology to be used while conducting the evaluation, including sampling strategy, sample size, data collection methods, proposed types of data collection tools, and data analysis plan;
• Budget Proposal in US Dollars (US$);
• Detailed CVs for all Consultants with a clear specification of their roles and responsibilities;
• Detailed CV of the proposed Team Leader.
• Cover letter clearly summarizing experience as it pertains to this assignment and three professional references (max 1 page).
• Applications should be submitted electronically to before Friday the 2nd of September 2022 at 16:00 PM, Eastern Time.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme


The Consultancy’s team leader should have the following qualifications and experience:
• Post-graduate degree in Humanitarian Studies, Disaster Management, Development Studies, and/or relevant Social Sciences discipline.
• At least 10 years of proven working experience in the context of Haiti, knowledge of the Haitian culture is an advantage.
• Familiarity with the Core Humanitarian Standards
• Demonstrated experience in conducting high-quality research/data collection and analysis or similar assignments;
• Strong analytical and conceptual skills.
• Experience with USAID-funded projects is preferred;
• Excellent facilitation skills, co-coordination, negotiation skills, and oral and written communication skills in English (particularly report writing and presenting key findings & recommendations).
• Excellent written and spoken communications skills in English, French, and Creole.
• Demonstrated experience in assessing organizational capacity and gaps and the ability to recommend corrective measures.

The selection of the consulting firm or vendor will be based on Best Value. That means the consulting firm will be determined by a series of criteria including the bid proposal as described in the table included in the word document.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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Applications should be submitted electronically to

Autres remarques

Be informed that the evaluation report should be submitted in English

The selection of the consulting firm or vendor will be based on Best Value. That means the consulting firm will be determined by a series of criteria including the bid proposal as described in the table included in the word document.


The successful applicant will have to produce the following deliverables indicated in the table below:
• Revised technical approach and methodology
• Submission of the draft report and presentation of key findings
• Final report
See word document for more information

The evaluation will be conducted between September 2-28, 2022, with exact dates TBD based on the project team’s availability and security situation.

For more further informations, please see the attached document.