Alimentation en Electricité de l'Hopital Bishop Joseph SullivanpourCatholic Medical Mission Board|

Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) is a US-based nonprofit organization operating for more than 100 years with a mission to bring transformative hope through life-saving services to vulnerable women, children and communities in need around the world. CMMB conducts programmatic activities throughout Haiti with established offices in Port-au-Prince, Cap-Haïtien and Côtes-de-Fer. In 2017, CMMB completed construction and opened Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan Center for Health (BJSH), a hospital serving the rural population surrounding Côtes-de-Fer. Through funding from USAID and private donors, CMMB intends to build a solar microgrid to support electrical needs at BJSH.

Description de taches

CMMB is seeking qualified electrical engineers and firms to provide the following services:
1. Review and confirm electrical needs at BJSH;
2. Assist CMMB Project Manager in drafting procurement needs for solar construction firms to bid on the project and review of bids (providing pass/fail requirements for vendor bid analysis);
3. Conduct initial environmental examination (in accordance with USAID environmental procedures)
4. Develop Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and Climate Risk Management plan;
5. Oversee the selected construction firm’s design, construction including local approvals, adequate electrical connections to BJSH, and the overall building process in accordance with USAID guidelines which include:
a. Integration of Climate Risk Management and environmental mitigation requirements into the design, construction and operational phases, as well as ensure standards for accessibility for the disabled are met;
6. Conduct quality assurance and milestone checks confirming implementation progress throughout the life of the project and report to back to client and USAID, as required; and
7. Ability to work and write reports with staff who only speak English.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

1. Proof of legal standing and registration to conduct business in Haiti.
2. Proof of capacity of the engineer or firm to perform the work and obtain required approvals for construction from local authorities.
3. Contact information for three references where engineer or firm provided similar services
4. List of key personnel to provide listed services including CV or resume.
5. Demonstrate the ability to conduct an initial environmental examination and integrate climate risk management into project designs.
6. Provide detailed cost for services broken down by hourly or daily rates.

*All bidders will be measured equally based on the information they provide

Dossier d’appel d’offres

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