Final Evaluation of Vouchering School Feeding ProjectpourCARE Haiti|

I- Introduction and Purpose
The Vouchering School Feeding Project (VSFP) is an expansion of the innovative school feeding model piloted by CARE in six schools in the Central Plateau Department from 2015 to 2016 as part of the Kore Lavi Program. This project goes beyond the scope of the original pilot in incorporating a number of additional components, all with the aim of strengthening the Government of Haiti’s (GoH)’s capacity to deliver comprehensive and sustainable social protection programming that incorporates nutrition support to the most vulnerable members of the population, especially children.

The CARE School Feeding model features an approach that is somewhat different from traditional school feeding programs; these generally involve the provision of imported bulk food products, which are then prepared by school staff. In contrast, the approach promoted by CARE uses a voucher-based system, where local vendors are identified to provide hot lunches and snacks, and receive payment from CARE in exchange for meals served. Vendors are selected based on their ties to the community and the school; they are often women and small business owners. CARE emphasizes the use of local products; which vendors buy from other local agricultural producers. This should contribute to the local economy, to the support of female entrepreneurs, to environmental protection, and to the improvement of the nutritional status of children.

Parent Committees act as the managers and supervisors of the school feeding activities. The involvement of Parent Committees should contribute to the strengthening local-level governance structures in education, and additionally allows teachers to focus on teaching.

The water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) activities implemented through the project contribute to students’ participation in school and retention by ensuring the availability of safe drinking water, which should reduce diarrheal disease and other water-borne diseases. It is expected that they are improvement in attendance and learning outcomes. The WASH activities should also ensure that school feeding activities are delivered in hygienic conditions, contribute to clean water availability and promote positive behavioral practices including hand washing before eating.

Other activities such as putting in place the national protection strategy or policy using the protection sectoral table, support to locally coordination of school feeding and support to elaboration of the PNSAN are from those that should impact the general context of nutrition security in Haiti, specially for children.

The specific objectives pursuing by the project are:

● Objective 1: To improve the learning conditions for 4,200 students in (19) schools through the provision of nutritious meals (hot lunch and snack) in clean and environmentally sound conditions.
● Objective 2: To enhance access to water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions in 19 targeted schools through rainwater water and hygiene awareness campaigns as well as community-led environmental initiatives.
● Objective 3: To improve the school feeding monitoring system in collaboration with local authorities at the department and commune levels to coordinate and monitor school feeding programs.
● Objective 4: To improve the capacity of the Social Protection Sectoral Table for the development of a national social protection policy in collaboration with national stakeholders and international entities or actors participating in this process.
● Objective 5: To support a national food security assessment through measuring vulnerability to food insecurity in Haiti.

The project is getting closed, a final evaluation of the execution of the activities is more than necessary to measure the changes produced by the project on the beneficiaries and/or the stakeholders. A baseline survey was conducted at the start of the project

This call for tender is part of this project and aims to recruit an individual consultant or a consultation firm for the final evaluation of the project to determine whether or not the project objectives have been reached and the level of achievement of the expected results.

Description de taches

Purpose of Study:
CARE is seeking a consultant to collaborate with the project staff in designing and implementing an external evaluation of the VSFP Project in order to understand his contribution in the school live of children particularly in improving children and strengthening local market thanks to the partnership developed with local vendors. Also, the evaluation aims to provide CARE and project’s technical partners with an objective basis for: (i) providing objective evidence for effective advocacy (ii) improving its intervention strategies with a view to increasing the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of activities in the field; advocacy, (iii) anchoring their interventions for a longer period,
II- Methodology
The final evaluation should be based on the project's logical framework which presents indicators that the evaluator will use to evaluate project results and impact. The project indicators table may, if necessary, be reviewed and completed in particular to answer certain evaluative questions.
The methodology followed by the consultant will include the key following steps:
o Pre-mission briefing with CARE to ensure a common understanding of the project's objectives and expected results, as well as the scope of the evaluation.
o Interview with stakeholders: Meetings with the implementing partners of the project.
o Individual interviews with direct beneficiaries, as well as the project team, local authorities, etc.; Field visit to appreciate some activities carried out.
o Submission of the report and debriefing post mission with CARE. (The final report is expected by August 2019 in English.)

In collaboration to the project team, the consultant will coordinate all the process: establishment of research protocol, training of enumerators, data collection, analysis of collected data and report writing. This evaluation will be conducted using both quantitative and qualitative methods by using secondary and primary sources.

• Secondary source
In order to have a better understanding of education and nutritional issues in Haiti and better appreciate the results of the project, a review of literature on the existing research is necessary. Indeed, some researches has been done on this school feeding model and on nutritional issues in Haiti. Therefore, theses researches have to be consulted. In addition of the review of literature, the project monitoring data will be take into account as secondary source.
• Primary source
As primary source, the data collection will be done through quantitative and qualitative methods.
Indeed, in order to analyze the education issues, three quantitative surveys will be conducted: Caregiver survey, School survey and Student survey. These surveys should allow the program team to appreciate the impact of the intervention at a school, population and system level.
Some focus group discussions and interviews will be held as well to triangulate and complete the data collected in the quantitative survey and for other stakeholders from Result 3, 4 and 5. School council members should be the main stakeholders which will be part of the focus group discussions at school. Other stakeholders that should be questioned by qualitative interview and focus group discussion are member of the sectoral table, inspectors or other responsible of school feeding management at local level and two managers of CNSA.
All the data collected should allow the program management to have more details about the following points:
o Community and parents’ participation in school feeding management
o Contribution of the project to strengthening the capacities of the local structures in charge of the management of the school feeding program;
o Contribution of the project to promoting hygiene in targeted school
o Contribution of the project in improving children retention and performance
o Project’s contribution to CNSA in order to finalize the PNSAN;
o Level of project’s support for the achievement of the national social protection policy;
o Factors playing an important role in the level of success observed and the constraining factors;
o Factors, in terms of lessons learned, that explain the results and also the relevance, impact, effectiveness, sustainability and efficiency of the program

The sample for each of the different surveys will be proposed by the consultant and discussed with the project team. The sample should take into account all the 21 project schools.
A representative sample of students and caregivers related to those students are needed for quantitative data collection. For qualitative data collection, the consultants should assure that the samples will give good information about the project.

The project works with 137 vendors (69 snack vendors and 68 lunch vendors), 5 parent committee members per school, 4 138 students, 7 school council members and 34 institutions for sectoral table.

Data analysis
The consultant will propose an analysis plan for the evaluation report which will be validated by the project team. This plan has to present the data treatment and analysis methodology and the type of analysis that the consultant will priorities as well. The data analysis should focus also on the following key questions:

 Project design
- How the project design was adapted to the context?
- How the project was adapted to the community and beneficiaries’ needs?
- What are the recommendations to make the project sustainable and taken in charge by the community? What support are needed to make this possible?
 Targeted student level
- What is the importance of school feeding for the students?
- Is school feeding impacting the results, retention and attendance of the children in class?
- What is the perception of student about the school feeding menu?
- What are the level students’ awareness regarding hygiene practices?
 Targeted caregiver level
- What are the perceptions and level of satisfaction of caregivers/parents about school feeding project?
- Is school feeding project supporting the economy of caregivers/parents?
- How are children act at home regarding hygiene practices?
- How many children had diarrhea during the last two weeks?
- What are the key recommendations to improve this project in the future?
- What is the level of engagement of parents in school feeding management?
 School level
- How the school managed the school feeding project?
- What’s the strength and weakness of the CARE school feeding project?
 System level
- What is the level of involvement of GoH in implementation of the project?
- What is needed to make this methodology applicable by the GoH?
 Stakeholder level
- What is the contribution of the project in finalizing the PNSAN?
- What is the contribution of the project in realizing the national social protection strategy/policy?
- What are the strengths, weakness and lessons learned from the project implementation?

V- Responsibilities of the evaluator (consultant/firm)
The main consultant will be in charge of the general coordination of the evaluation, of the final report and its coherence, as well as of the debriefing to the CARE team.
More specifically, the main consultant has the responsibility to:
o Prepare a detailed methodology including data collection tools;
o Pretest the questionnaires and other instruments to be used during the evaluation;
o Share and disseminate the final version of the study questionnaires to obtain final comments from the program management unit;
o Reassess/discuss with the program staff the questionnaires’ efficiency, the checklists and other instruments used in the pretest, gather comments and finalize them;
o Guide, train and supervise the enumerators and supervisors;
o Realize the qualitative data collection;
o Ensure and check the quality of the data gathered on the field;
o Analyze the data and produce statistics
o Submit the final report (a compiled version of the report – both a printed and an electronic Word copy) to the project after the inclusion of the comments and suggestions from the Care staff
The payment will be based on the following deliverables:
o A detailed methodology
o Approved data collection tools
o Data analysis and databases
o A final evaluation report including qualitative and quantitative analysis highlighting the nuances between each area. (The final report is expected by August 2019.)

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

VI- Qualification and skills of the consultant/firm
The technical Experts must have:
- At least a master degree in Statistics, social sciences, education or related fields;
- Five (5) to ten (10) years of experience and expertise in project development, project evaluation particularly in Education sector (at least 3 years);
- Proven expertise in mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative);
- Experience working in difficult and rural areas, under-developed countries; previous experience in Haiti is desirable;
- Proven Expertise in manipulating statistical software for quantitative data management such as SPSS, R, Stata, etc.
- Expertise in manipulating qualitative software such as Sonal, Atlas.ti, Nvivo, etc.
- Expertise in electronic data collection (preferably with ODK Collect or CSEntry);
- Strong analytical skills;
- Good knowledge of education sector in Haiti.
- Creole or French Speaking is necessary; English speaking is desirable.

VII- Ethics
He/she must strictly respect these ethical principles:
Competence: The consultant has the education, the skills, the abilities and experience necessary to undertake the tasks proposed in the evaluation. The evaluators work within the limits of their training and professional skill and refuse to conduct assessments that go largely beyond these limits. The evaluation team shows its cultural skill collectively.
Integrity / honesty: The consultant shows honesty and integrity in their own behavior and do their best to ensure the honesty and integrity of the whole evaluation process.
Respect for people: The consultant respect the security, dignity and self-worth of the program respondents, participants and other actors of the evaluation. The consultant take account of the informed consent for the participation in the evaluation and inform the participants and of the scope and limits of the confidentiality.
Responsibilities for the general and public well-being: the consultant expresses and take account of the diversity of interests and general and public values that can be linked to the evaluation.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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IX- Expression of Interest
National or International Consultants/firms are invited to submit their applications in order to provide the services described above. Interested Consultants must produce the information regarding their abilities and experience demonstrating that they are qualified for this work such as similar service references, experiences in comparable missions, etc...
To apply, please send your applications to Catherine Fortune ; Cc: Phinees Lamarre Bijou no later than 10th of May 2019. Applications should have as subject: "Application for VSFP final evaluation". Requests received after this date will be ignored.

Autres remarques

The interested firm/consultant must submit:
- A technical offer describing the methodology that will be used. A capacity statement describing the relevant experiences with references and a sample of relevant previous works similar to this evaluation of the consultant, including the understanding of the mandate.
- A timeline/calendar describing the various step, milestones and deliverables
- A detailed financial offer including taxes (2% for national consultants and 20% for international consultants) for all expenses related to the mission.
P.S. Only the short-listed candidates will be contacted for further action.