Annual reporting consultantpourFinn Church Aid|

Primary purpose of the consultancy:
Preparation of FCA Haiti 2016 annual report.

Description de taches

Main tasks

• Overall preparation of the annual report
• Revision of partner reports
• Interviews with country representative and finance manager to collect information necessary for the report
• Interviews with FCA Helsinki thematic advisors for further input

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Competence, experience, skills, knowledge needed

• Master’s degree in Social Sciences or relevant field
• Proven ability to work independently and in cooperation with others in international context and with multicultural team
• Good knowledge of the Haitian context and FCA projects in the country
• Good knowledge of FCA thematic areas
• Fluency in English

Documents for submission:
1. Motivation letter
2. CV
3. Technical offer
4. Financial offer

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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Deadline for offer submission is 8th of March, 2017, 10.00am.

Contract Duration:
1 month, starting in March 2017