Staff Care Officer pour CRS |

As the staff care lead for national staff the Staff Care Officer will be responsible for developing and strengthening responsive staff care programs for Haiti national staff. The Staff Care Officer shall be responsible for initiating measures -- by way of pro-active development and roll out of policies, pro-active or intervening mechanisms, communication programs, etc. - that help staff receive and utilize staff care resources. This individual will be responsible for coordinating key staff care initiatives such as psychosocial support, the medical clinic, staff R&R, staff transportation, and staff activities. The Staff Care Officer shall seek guidance from and coordinate with the HR Manager, the Program Manager II-Head of Management Quality, and the Deputy Haiti Earthquake Coordinator based in CRS HQ, regarding staff care initiatives and programs. The Staff Care Officer will supervise contracted/TDY psychosocial staff.


Job Responsibilities:
1. Oversee and coordinate the psychosocial program. This will include the following activities -
a. Assess and determine staff psychosocial needs, obstacles to serving these needs, and strategies for overcoming these obstacles
b. Determine the profile and number of contracted or TDY psychosocial staff needed to address staff psychosocial needs. Contribute to identifying, assessing and interviewing such psychosocial staff members.
c. Advise and guide psychosocial staff on strategies and practices.
d. Collect and disseminate appropriate psychosocial materials and best practices provided by psychosocial and NGO networks and attend psychosocial meetings arranged by these networks in Port au Prince.
2. Ensure staff members are aware of and fully utilize the medical clinical facilities as appropriate.
3. Coordinate R&R schedules for all national staff with the HR Manager. Ensure that all staff members are taking their R&R when required.
4. Develop and plan leisure and down time activities for staff that will contribute to self-care and team building goals.
5. Develop and facilitate a self-care/stress management orientation for current and new staff.
6. Coordinate the arrangement and logistics of staff transportation to/from work. Coordinate such arrangements with the Security staff as appropriate
7. Coordinate with the Staff Development Officer to ensure that Supervisors are properly trained on stress management for themselves and for the staff they supervise.
8. With the HR Manager help manage the staff care budget appropriately.
9. With the HR Manager adapt staff care policies as needed.
10. Work the Office Manager to ensure that staff care matters related to office space (sanitation; comfort; water, coffee and tea, etc.) are being met.
11. With the HR Manager ensure staff members have a means for employee advocacy and employee relations issues, as appropriate.

Qualifications réquises

1. Bachelor Degree strongly (Psychology, Health, Education, Sociology, Human Resources, or related field)or equivalent experience.
2. At least 5-8 years experience in health, psychology, education, or human resources. Experience with psychosocial practices strongly preferred.
3. Knowledge of psychosocial and staff care issues
4. Supervision experience
5. Demonstrated ability to establish trust with and relate to a diverse staff
6. Proficiency in English and Creole language both in verbal and written communication
7. Very strong interpersonal and communication skills
8-Strong organizational skills and attention to detail
9. Creative

Conditions particulières

Organization’s values related to the position:
Dignity of the human person. / Common good. / Option for the poor. / Applies a positive, action-oriented attitude.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates in a sealed envelope with the mention of HR-SCO-0210, no later than march 04,2010,

Date limite
