Child Friendly Spaces Coordinator pour ong |

International Organization with Office located in Port-au-Prince
is seeking individuals for the positions of
Child Friendly Spaces Coordinator
The positions are based in Port-au-Prince, Leogane, Petit-Goave and Jacmel with regular travel on the ground.


The Child Friendly Spaces Coordinator ensures the proper implementation of the Child Friendly Spaces project.

Roles and Responsibilities:
• Supervise the Child Friendly Space Supervisors/Monitors and Child Friendly Facilitators in X Child Friendly Spaces locations
• Provide training and orientation for Child Friendly Space Supervisors/Monitors and Child Friendly Space Facilitators on setting up and managing a Child Friendly Space, child rights, child participation, child protection (including the Child Protection Policy), and provide ongoing support and mentoring to practice these concepts
• Ensure that safeguarding standards are understood and met
• Compile quantitative and qualitative updated data and reports
• In coordination with the Child Protection team members, support regular participatory activities with different groups of children to identify issues affecting children in their communities, and assist the teams to develop appropriate responses
• Report general protection issues present in the operational areas to the Child Protection Manager
• Ensure effective links are developed with the camp services and/or other emergency initiatives
• Participate in the Child Protection assessment and analysis process
• Work with the community and/or camp authorities to address protection issues
• Communicate and share learnings with other Child Friendly Coordinators involved in the emergency response
• Ensure referral systems (health, education, psychosocial, income generation, food security, etc.) are identified as appropriate
• Advocate when necessary to ensure that other international and local service providers in the area act on behalf of children affected by the emergency in relation to the Child Friendly Spaces
• Screen for and monitor protection needs and gaps in and around the Child Friendly Spaces

Qualifications réquises

• University level education in social sciences
• At least 5 years of demonstrated management experience within an emergency context
• Experience in representation and advocacy
• Strong leadership skills, and demonstrated skills in personnel management, and team building
• Thorough knowledge and understanding of the CRC and SC’s child protection policy and code of conduct
• A commitment to child’s rights based approaches, gender equity and to enhancing the status of children in society
• Strong conflict resolution skills
• Demonstrated skills in project monitoring and evaluation
• Verbal and written French proficiency
• Willingness to travel regularly

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

-Interested candidates should send a motivation letter; curriculum vitae, copies of diplomas and certificates no later than February 3rd, 2010 at the addresses below. Only short listed applicants will be contacted for interview.

Date limite
