Logistics and Procurement Coordinator ( HEALTH ) pour CRS | JobPaw.com

Catholic Relief Services, an international non-governmental agency specializing in relief and community development, is seeking highly qualified individuals to fill an opening with AIDSRelief, a dynamic HIV/AIDS treatment program. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is leading the implementation of the AIDSRelief project in Haiti in partnership with Futures Group (FG), the Institute of Human Virology (IHV) and Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB). AIDSRelief is funded through the US Government’s President Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The AIDSRelief program is a multi-year, multi-million dollar project that delivered high quality, durable anti-retroviral therapy (ART) during the first five years of the program. Now AIDSRelief Haiti is preparing for a three-year sustainability plan which involves transfer of key program responsibilities to local organizations in Haiti.

The Procurement Officer is responsible for the overall effective and efficient functioning of procurement and logistics components of CRS operations in the AIDSRelief program in Haiti.


Primary Responsibilities:
• Manage and coordinate procurement and logistics activities.
• To provide the necessary guidance and leadership to all procurement and logistics staff and ensure the adoption of and adherence to standard agency procurement and logistics practices and procedures
• Build capacity at all partners on Procurement.
• Ensure compliance with CRS and donor procurement policies
Key Responsibilities:
1. Builds capacity in 7 AIDSRelief sites, the St. Boniface NGO and the University of Notre Dame/Haiti for procurement, compliant to the USG regulation.
2. Manages the Pro-forma process for all purchases
3. Instructs the partners to execute pro-forma process, including the request for quotation processes for renovation projects and bidding processes.
4. Initiate and coordinate closely with CRS/Haiti and headquarters Purchasing Dept. to ensure procurement processes and systems are being implemented to ensure integrity.
5. Implement, as necessary; improve; and monitor procedures and systems to ensure timely procurement of superior quality materials and services at competitive prices.
6. Develop a plan to implement and train St. Boniface NGO, University of Notre Dame Haiti and LPTF to ensure the partner sites are able to manage logistical arrangements, including boarding and lodging, vehicle management, and warehouse management. Monitor closely.
7. Maintain and improve systems which are required for standard storage and logistics practice at the LPTF’s and St. Boniface NGO.
8. Monitor commodities from moment of purchase to distribution points
9. Train the LPTF’s to oversee the monitoring of stocks in the warehouse; Ensuring safe storage and report on any problems; and, overseeing warehouse inventories at the end of every month
10. Train the LPTF’s and the St. Boniface NGO to oversee the use of vehicles, ensuring accurate records and proper care and maintenance. Ensure security and safety requirements for the vehicles.
11. Ensure the proper arrangement of transportation needs as per the approved policies and procedures in collaboration with the Admin Assistant.
12. Support the LPTF’s , St. Boniface NGO and University of Notre Dame to put in place maintain procedures to ensure proper repair, condition, cleanliness, offices and equipment
13. Support the LPTF’s , St. Boniface NGO and University of Notre Dame to put managing building and rental vehicle contracts and ensure CRS is paying fair market prices
14. Support the LPTF, University of Notre Dame and St. Boniface NGO to put in place and maintain all official and original records for audit and reporting purposes.
15. Ensure that all areas of responsibility are in compliance at all times with CRS global as well as with donors and local government standards and policies which includes:
16. Ensure an up-to-date knowledge of all CRS global procurement policies and procedures

Emergency Response:
"The Procurement Officer may be called upon as part of his/her role and responsibility to participate and/ or provide support in emergency response situations when and where required in consultation with the supervisor."

Key Working Relationships
Internal: Deputy Chief of Party, Finance & Compliance Manager, Logistics and Procurement staff, CRS/HQ purchasing, CRS administration, CRS vehicles manager, CRS audit unit, all Consortium Members.
External: Partners, INGOs, St. Boniface NGO, University of Notre Dame

Qualifications réquises

1. University degree in management or logistics.
2. Minimum of five years work experience in procurement and logistics with significant management experience, preferably in an international development organization.
3. Excellent organization skills and attention to detail
4. Excellent analytical and problem solving skills.
5. Excellent communication and negotiation skills
6. Proven ability to design and strengthen operational systems.
7. Ability to set and manage budgets independently
8. Computer proficient in Microsoft Office products and database programs. Proficiency with tracking software a plus.
9. Experience working with partner organizations in building capacity building and organizational development.
10. Experience in purchasing health/medical equipment, preferred.
11. Willingness to travel and spend time in field offices as needed
12. Proficiency in French and English, Haitian Creole, a plus.
13. Experience working with USG Grants.
14. Experienced record keeping skills.
Personnel Skills:
1. Very strong consensus and team building skills
2. Demonstrated ability to provide creative and participatory solutions
3. Keen ability to motivate through example; adept at building capacity in others
4. Demonstrated ability to provide leadership and vision
5. Highly pro-active and self-disciplined; willing to work extra hours as need to ensure work is completed to or beyond expectations
6. Excellent inter-personal and communication skills
7. Respect for all persons regardless of religion, class or gender

Disclaimer Clause: This job description is not an exhaustive list of the skill, effort, duties, and responsibilities associated with the position.

Conditions particulières

Organization’s values related to the position:
Dignity of the human person. / Common good. / Option for the poor. / Applies a positive, action-oriented attitude.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates in a sealed envelope with the mention of AR—LPC-0310, before june 15th, 2010

Autres remarques

L'experience dans le domaine de la santé est exigible.

Date limite
