Emergency Program Manager pour CRS | JobPaw.com

CRS/Haiti implements many emergency response programs in collaboration with Caritas partners, the Government of Haiti, and the Humanitarian sector. The role of the Emergency Program Manager is to oversee the execution and ensure high standards of management quality, administrative and financial transparency, and program and project performance. She or He will also coordinate efficient and effective emergency response teamwork within CRS/Haiti, with local implementing partners and the Government of Haiti ensure a technically sound approach that engages and builds capacities among local staff and partners to respond rapidly to emergency situations and meet planned objectives, while also achieving high standards of program quality. The Program Manager will oversee one or more projects in the sector of Disaster and Risk Reduction (DRR) and direct Emergency Response.


Primary Responsibilities:

The Emergency Program Manager will be responsible for managing CRS/Haiti’s emergency programming activities in several Departments of southern Haiti, ensuring the achievement of project objectives, coordination of interventions with Caritas and the government and non governmental actors. She or He will adhere to CRS and international standards in emergency response (such as Sphere Standards). S/he is expected to professionally represent CRS/Haiti and sustain the agency’s reputation for high quality programming.

S/he may serve as representative to donors and be responsible for quality and timely reporting. S/he coordinates technical and strategic planning, project design, implementation and monitoring.

Specific Responsibilities:

A. Management

1. Directly supervise several staff members, providing coaching, promoting professional development and conducting performance appraisals.
2. Ensures timely liquidation of project advances with partners, reviews monthly Budget Comparison reports to verify accuracy, timeless and appropriateness of expenditures.
3. Ensures timely and responsive reporting to donors and conformity with donor standards and technical perimeters.
4. Contribute to the development and the implementation of mechanisms and initiatives to strengthen staff’s and partner’s capacity for rapid emergency response, administrative and financial management of the emergency interventions and timely reporting.
5. Cooperates with the Internal Audit Department in the preparation of audit reviews, and in responding to audit findings pertaining to the program sector.

B. Strategic Planning

1. In coordination with Senior Management and Programming staff contributes to the design and execution of the Emergency Response Strategy for CRS/Haiti.
2. Works closely with and other unit managers toward program integration with environmental protection and livelihood sectors.
3. Contributes to the Multi-Year Assistance Program (MYAP) development process, participating in technical discussions for the development of specific programming in Emergency and Disaster Mitigation.
4. Prepares proposals to respond to new opportunities for new emergency and disaster reduction and mitigation programs.
5. Cultivates and maintains good relationships with donors and responds to donor needs for information and in-time reporting.

C. Project Implementation

1. Supervise daily project activities and project staff to ensure program consistency and direction, coordinated implementation of program plans, and collaboration among partners.
2. Provide technical and management support to program implemented through local Caritas offices and other partners, the Direction de Protection Civile (DPC), ensuring transparency, program accountability and quality, and the achievement of expected results.
3. Participate in the program analysis and reflections with staff and partners to evaluate program methodologies and performance; disseminate lesson learned.
4. Periodically monitors progress against project objectives and indicators, ensuring timely and appropriate data collection, and that interventions are on track and meeting their objectives. Provide recommendations and/or support for corrective action as necessary.
5. Reviews and edits progress and financial reports prepared by staff and partners, ensuring quality, accuracy, timely liquidation of advances and judicious use of resources.
6. Submit timely and accurate reports to CRS and Donors, in accordance with reporting schedule.
7. Establishes and maintains relationships with potential donors and partners. Researches and identifies potential funding opportunities for the emergency sector and develops proposals for external funding by public and private donor.
8. Manages project budgets to ensure projects are implanted within budget and on-time. Conducts reporting to donors that meet requirements stated in project agreements.

Qualifications réquises

1. University degree in development-related field
2. At least two years of project management experience in an international organization (NGO)
3. Excellent organizational, team leadership, and communication skills
4. Excellent written and spoken French, capacity to write well in English is a plus
5. Sensitivity and respect for CRS’ Catholic identity and partnership principles
6. Ability and willingness to work and travel in remote and insecure areas
7. Ability and willingness to work beyond “regular” work hours when needed for project purposes
8. Technical experience in environmental protection, disaster response, and rehabilitation/reconstruction
9. Experience in financial management and attention to detail in presenting quantitative and qualitative information
10. Computer literate: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Database management, Internet.

Conditions particulières

Organization’s values related to the position:
• Dignity of the human person.
• Common good.
• Option for the poor.
• Applies a positive, action-oriented attitude.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates in a sealed envelope with the mention of FS&E--EPM-0709 to the Human Resources Department, before August 14, 2009

Date limite
