Local Government Specialist pour Mendez England & Associates | JobPaw.com


ME&A is recruiting for candidates for a long term senior local government specialist and selected STTA expertise on a proposed USAID-funded multi-year watershed management project in Haiti. The long term specialist will serve as team team and technical leader of the Governance component. STTA's will be needed to assist in carrying out the governance program, with specific emphasis on local government instititutional development, as it relates to local responsibilities for watershed and water resource management. The work program will also deal with national watershed policy issues and coordination between local governments and relevant national ministries.

Qualifications réquises

Candidates should have at least 10 years international experience in their specialty area, with at least a Masters Degree in the related field. English and French language capability at a professional level are required. Prior USAID and Haiti experience preferred.

Remarque contact

Only selected candidates will be contacted. No telephone inquiries, please. ME&A is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Date limite
