Health and HIV Programme Co-ordinator pour Concern Worldwide Haiti |

The Health and HIV Programme Coordinator is responsible for the overall management of Concern Haiti's Health and HIV Programme, including developing new projects, exploring funding opportunities, write project documents, document lessons learned, and supervise the health and HIV projects based in Port-au-Prince. S/he will also oversee the process of HIV mainstreaming within the Country Programme. As a member of Concern Haiti's Country Management Team, the Health and HIV Programme Coordinator also participates in the overall strategic orientation and management of the organization.


Main Duties & Responsibilities • Contribute to implementation, monitoring and revision of Concern Haiti's strategic plan, and Concern Worldwide's policies and plans. • Lead the process of developing Concern Haiti's integrated Health and HIV strategy, and provide vision and leadership in relation to health and HIV issues within the programme • Oversee the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the programme strategy and plans in close collaboration with field teams and partners; • Initiate and supervise planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all Concern Haiti health and HIV projects, • Provide technical assistance (advice, training, documentation, etc.) for all Concern Haiti interventions related to health and HIV. Ensure that quality internal and external mainstreaming of HIV is being carried out. • Ensure adequate documentation of experience generated through the programme • Support fundraising for Concern Haiti's health and HIV projects by developing strong proposals for work in this field in line with the Country and Sectoral strategies, while ensuring quality and timely reporting to funders and good relations with relevant donors. • Maintain good professional relationships with the Ministry of Health, international agencies, NGOs, partners and other stakeholders working in the health and HIV sector in Haiti. Maintain good contacts with SAL Health, nutrition and HIV advisors both in Dublin and in New York. • Supervise development of project budgets and their regular revision, as well as appropriate spending by project staff. • Participate in management discussions and decisions as a member of the Country Management Team.

Related to Human Resource Management: • Set objectives and ensure performance reviews of project managers, the nutrition advisor and the Assistant Coordinator/HIV mainstreaming advisor. • Contribute towards the effective implementation of Concern's health related policies for national and international staff. • Participate in developing Concern Haiti's human resources by: • Identifying the training needs for staff working in Health and HIV Projects, • Supporting the implementation of that training if necessary, • Facilitating relevant Learning and Exchange groups within Concern Haiti and with partners.

Additional duties • Carry out other duties reasonably assigned by the CD or Regional Director

Qualifications réquises

Masters in Public Health from a recognised institution. • At least 5 years of relevant experience in public health and project/programme management with significant experience in developing/managing health or HIV-related projects • Must bring knowledge and experience of community-based health models and a broad approach to development. • Proficient spoken and written French. • Working knowledge of English. • Computer Skills :Conversant with Microsoft Word and Excel • Familiarity with budgeting and financial monitoring processes as well as project management tools • Sensitivity towards gender/equity issues • Excellent networking/facilitation skills • Prepared to work and live in challenging surroundings • Capacity to work in a multidisciplinary team, and to see health/HIV as one strand of programming among others needed to tackle severe poverty

Desirable: • Good understanding of the specificities of urban health programmes • Some experience working in nutrition interventions • Experience in team building and supervision of staff, • Use of participatory survey/ M&E tools. • an understanding of a rights-based approach to development • Patience and a capacity to deal with a certain level of frustration as things never really work as quickly as we'd like them to.

Conditions de travail

Statut :CDD

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

CV and cover letter

Remarque contact

HR Department +353 1 417 7700

Date limite
