Information Technology officer pour Non Govermental Organization |

Non Government Organization is Looking for a: Information Technology Officer


This person will manage the provision IT services to multiple sites
user support
repair & maintenance
broadband communications
computer security
disaster recovery
IT systems analysis
database administration

Qualifications réquises

good general education (university degree) and relevant third level qualification in IT
minimum 3/4 yeras in busy computerised environment involving troubleshooting, testing and maintenance of PC machines
experience providing user training in Microsoft Windows and Office environments
ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing french and english
good interpersonal, communications and presentationskills, team player and sensibility to cultural diversity
knowledge of electrical theory generators, UPS and surge protection
Windows 2003 server and Windows XP
Microsoft Office products, Exchange and Active Directory
Knwolwdge of PC systems, network architecture and cabling systems
Internet technologies, security firewall systems
RDBMS: Access, SQL

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

CV and motivation letter in english

Date limite
