Wash Policy Officer pour Tearfund | JobPaw.com

To ensure a better policy environment for water supply, sanitation and hygiene (public health) in Haiti by supporting and facilitating DMT staff and Tearfund Partners to carry out research, engage with policy makers and advocate for improved provision of these services for poor communities.


• Participate in planning the annual activity plan for the DfID WASH proposal.
• Assist in communicating mission, purpose, strategic and programme goals and objectives amongst project staff to create mutual understanding and ownership.
• Carry out assessments of local and national government capacity, accountability and responsiveness in the WASH sector in that location.
• Carry out assessments of Tearfund DMT and partners’ capacity to carry out advocacy and influence WASH policy.
• Build positive working relationships with key WASH decision makers in diverse organisations.
• Undertake participatory research into appropriate WASH policies and practices, including drawing on project experience of Tearfund DMT and Partners.
• Draw up a strategy for influencing key decision-making bodies and oversee its implementation.
• Develop and work with groups and coalitions of local and international NGOs and Tearfund Partners as appropriate to develop and implementation joint WASH advocacy strategies.

Qualifications réquises

• Good education background and relevant work experiences in Water and Sanitation, Hygiene and Communication
• Degree or proven equivalent written, numeracy and analytical skills
• Good understanding of development issues and how policy may impact poor people
• Proven experience in research, policy or lobbying , capacity building, institutional strengthening
• Ability to think and plan strategically
• Self motivated and organised
• Ability to initiate, plan and carry out research
• Analytical and conceptual thinking
• Ability to influence others through articulate written and verbal communication
• Strong written and verbal communication
• Computer literate
• Public speaking / presentation skills
• Good at networking.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Please send your resume and a cover letter explaining how you meet the essential criteria.

Autres remarques


• Tearfund seek as an organisation to be committed to Christ in all we are and all we do.

• Staff members need to be committed to Tearfund’s ethos of professional excellence and spiritual passion.

• It is important that we are committed to relationships by following biblical principles and showing integrity in our dealings with each other.

• We seek as an organisation to be obedient to biblical teaching and evaluate our work and attitudes in line with biblical principles.

• An essential part of our working life is praying together as an organisation and as teams on a regular basis.

• All staff also take part in devotions, away days and retreats

Date limite
