Admin Assistant-Joint Humanitarian Security Forum pour Oxfam Intermon |

OXFAM PURPOSE: To work with others to overcome poverty and suffering


JOB PURPOSE: The purpose of this role is to assist the Security Advisor, perform a varied range of tasks to deliver an efficient, cost-effective and high quality service

Qualifications réquises

Key Competencies
• Experience as an administrative assistant, data management, and similar duties and tasks.
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills,.
• Produces quality work with little requirement for upward referral.
• Assumes responsibility for the organisation of work.
• Demonstrates initiative in all aspects of work.
• Excellent organizational and administration skills.
• Good problem solver and team player.
• Good time management skills.
• Works autonomously and on own initiative.
• Computer literate: highly proficient in the use of word processing software (MS Word), presentation software (MS PowerPoint), spreadsheet software (MS Excel), email software and knowledge management systems.
• Languages: Fluency in English and French is essential. Creole an asset
• Willing and able to offer support to other departments.

Conditions particulières

• Carry out tasks within guidelines laid down by managers / supervisor.
• Tasks are usually routine but will require the use of initiative and/or basic planning.
• Responsible for the proper use of equipment by others.
• May be responsible for supervising one or more support staff, including basic planning of day-to-day work.
• Required to gather and give information to supervisors, managers and occasionally members of the public.
• Impact wider than own team/processes.
• Contributes to improvements in processes.

Conditions de travail

Key Responsibilities

a. Support to the Joint Humanitarian Security Forum Security Advisor
• Assist with requests for meetings with the JHSF Security Advisor by external stakeholders, ensuring agendas are established prior to any meeting, providing recommendation to the advisor on relevance of external members’ participation in JHSF meetings based on agendas of meeting, and timeliness.
• Support JHSF Advisor in preparing meeting agendas.
• Distributing reports and ToRs to different stakeholders.

b. Communication and Information-sharing
• Draft external communications on various topics.
• Circulate documents and positioning of the JHSF security Advisor to members of the JHSF Committee and other INGOs/NGOs/CBOs
• Answers queries from members of the JHSF forum or other INGOs/NGOs/CBOs in relation to the JHSF Security Advisor’s functions; mandate; and logistical issues e.g. meetings’ location.
• Maintain updated contact list of JHSF Security Advisor and JHSF members
• Upload any document published by the JHSF Security Advisor onto the website
• Assure the collection and dissemination of information from and to the JHSF and members
• Maintain the security analysis database and assist with the production of analysis reports on a monthly basis
• Translate any document produced in English into French and vice-versa.
c. Outreach with local NGOs
• Assist conducting a mapping of local NGOs and assist the security advisor in initiating outreach activities
d. Administration and logistics
• Support the functioning of the JHSF by taking minutes of meetings held by the Security Advisor, the JHSF Committee and forum, and external meetings and sharing them with Security Advisor and JHSF members
• Support meetings of the JHSF security advisor logistically.
• Provide any other relevant administrative support to the Security Advisor.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Curriculum Vitae and Motivation letter.

Date limite
