Community Mobilization and Development Manager, Shelter and Settlements pour CARE Haiti |
Postes à pourvoir: 2

• The position is one of field project management for the shelter programme.
• The community development manager will oversee all aspects of the shelter projects’ community mobilization, beneficiary selection, community/beneficiary liaison and communication, and will lead complementary shelter interventions such as star-up grants/vouchers.
• The community development manager will develop new and strengthen CARE Haiti’s existing relationships with the communities and authorities in our areas of intervention to ensure CARE projects are implemented in participatory manner, meet the current needs and facilitate the long term development plans of the targeted communities.
• The community development manager will work closely with the technical project manager and report to the shelter and settlements’ Area Manager


Responsible for the refinement and implementation of community participatory approaches in CARE’s shelter projects. Manage and guide the community mobilization in a variety of shelter projects (shelter construction, rural house repairs, emergency shelter reinforcement, house retrofitting, etc), and oversee the community development aspects of the shelter projects including but not limited to:

• Support the shelter projects by developing or strengthening mechanisms for participation of beneficiaries and communities in decision making.
• Develop and implement a start-up grant program to complement shelter solutions which allows families to begin to rebuild their assets and strengthen/re-start income generation activities.
• Develop and implement a pilot rental assistance grant program to support camp residents with no access to land.
• Facilitate mechanisms for community representation and involvement in planning and implementation, field assessments, data entry and analysis.
• Work with the community/camp residents to identify what shelter solutions will best suit their needs (t-shelter, retrofitting, rental assistance, etc)
• Formulate participatory mechanisms for selection criteria, and ensure that the criteria is inclusive, transparent and understood, and closely adhered to.
• Facilitate participatory enumeration, community mapping exercises, and community action planning as appropriate.
• Responsible for the further development and implementation of community approaches to planning and implementing projects for the shelter department. Ensure a continuation of participatory methods into the planning for CARE long-term strategy
• Maintain communication with beneficiaries and develop/maintain grievance mechanisms
• Ensure the collection of documentation and record keeping of beneficiary selection, land tenure. documents, and as necessary coordinate with other agencies to avoid duplication of services
• In collaboration with the M&E department develop a monitoring and evaluation strategy to ensure lessons learned are applied timely and appropriately.
• Ensure the inclusion of the most vulnerable in the project with special attention to gender issues, human rights, and land rights (i.e. participation in relevant clusters, networking with human rights movements, forming working relationships with local authorities etc).
• Liaise with other departments at CARE to ensure the communities have access to services such as WASH, health, education, etc.
• Ensure that CARE shelter project objectives are being achieved in the field
• Participate in CARE management planning and co-ordination
• Any other tasks required by the supervisor for the Shelter programme

Information and coordination
• Prepare weekly and monthly reports for all project activity. Additional reports may be requested.
• Ensure maintenance of records and databases
• Ensure that all shelter activities are developed in coordination with other sector's teams as appropriate.
• Oversee the use of appropriate project procedures and documentation, including project planning tools, procurement forms, tender and contract documentation, project tracking tools, and overall budgets.
• Where necessary Facilitate the establishment of effective coordination mechanisms at the various local levels (e.g. village, sub-district and district). Liaise with key non-governmental organizations (NGOs), national, provincial, and local government, and external donors, as necessary; participate in joint agency assessments, task-force teams and workshops, technical committee meetings, and coordination groups
• Represent CARE in discussions with donors at the field level, as required
• Report on field activities to Cluster forums and within CARE, and prepare documentation for donor reporting

Human resources management / capacity building
• Participate in development of staffing structures and field base development
• Manage all activity and staff associated with the your assigned project
• Provide leadership to the team, and build the capacity of registration officers, and mobilizers developing/maintaining a productive work environment

Qualifications réquises

• 3 year experience in project management, preferably in emergency / post emergency
• Working knowledge of French
• Proven experience in coordination with NGOs and/or donor organizations.
• Experience in the formulation and implementation of community development components and community driven approaches or programmes in developing countries.
• An excellent understanding of participatory methodologies and tools and their application.
• An understanding of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategies. Including risk assessment and risk reduction planning a plus.
• Understanding and experience in the inclusion of cross cutting issues in programming i.e. gender, HIV/AIDS, environmental issues.
• Experience in training of local teams in participatory approaches would be an asset.
• Familiarity with Sphere standards and Humanitarian principles
• Excellent leadership, management, teamwork & interpersonal skills
• Compliance to CARE principles and core values.

Computer: Word, Excel
Familiar with GPS and GoogleEarth a plus

Conditions de travail

Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews. The selected candidate will be offered an attractive compensation package with the possibility to advance within the organization worldwide

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates

Date limite
