Monitoring & Evaluation Officer pour HRI / an leve kanpe |


On January 12, 2010 an earthquake registering over 7.0 on the Richter scale struck the Republic of Haiti killing more than 200,000 people, displacing over a million and affecting a total of 3,000,000.
The epicenter of the quake was close to Haiti’s capital city, Port-au-Prince, destroying and heavily damaging homes, schools, churches, and critical infrastructure. The Government of Haiti (GoH) was also devastated by the earthquake, which destroyed most public buildings and records and took the lives of many key staff. More than one year after the earthquake, Haiti’s peace and recovery are threatened by a growing cholera epidemic, a disputed national election and challenging political transition, abject poverty, and lack of basic services. The goal of USAID/OTI’s efforts in Haiti post-earthquake is to reinforce stability and lay the foundation for longer term development.

In January 2010, USAID/OTI launched an 18-month-long quick-response program in partnership with Chemonics known as Haiti Recovery Initiative (HRI), or An’n Leve Kanpe (“Let’s stand up together!”) in Haitian Creole. Over the course of the last year, activities have focused primarily on the following three country objectives:

1.) Community Stabilization
2.) Enabling the GoH to Function
3.) Increasing Citizen Engagement

In recent months there have been two significant developments which have shaped – and will continue to shape – OTI’s program over the next year. First, a new USG assistance strategy for Haiti, which has been under discussion and review for the last year, is due to be formally approved in the coming months. Second, presidential elections are taking place which will usher in a new government. OTI will seek to engage with this new government and reinvigorate its efforts to provide material and technical assistance to the GOH in key areas of state functioning. Country program objectives are expected to shift over the life of the program to account for changes in the political environment.

USAID/OTI has been working with Chemonics under the follow-on to HRI (known as HRI-II) since March 14, 2011, and the program is expected to run for a period of 18 months.


Position Purpose:

The Chemonics M&E Officer will support the program development and implementation teams of the HRI team in Port-au-Prince. S/he will be responsible for determining activity indicators and targets during program design and creating M&E plans when appropriate. After activity completion, the M&E Officer will conduct surveys and analysis to determine numbers of beneficiaries and assess the impact of project outputs. The M&E Officer will work closely with both the Program Development Officers (PDOs) and Grants Managers.


The principal tasks to be completed under this SOW are as follows:

• Develop project indicators and targets and gather data related to those indicators and targets, including qualitative and quantitative data;
• Work with PDOs to develop appropriate M&E plans for each activity during implementation;
• Produce reports that illustrate socioeconomic factors (income, age, livelihoods, etc.) associated with various project sites and activities;
• Assist in carrying out final evaluations for each activity.

Qualifications réquises

Job Qualifications

• Bachelors degree required
• Two years progressively responsible design and/or management of USAID or donor-funded programs and/or activities
• Familiarity with developing M&E indicators and plans
• Advanced skills in word processing and MS Excel required.
• Proficiency in French and Haitian Creole required; English proficiency strongly preferred

Conditions particulières


The employee will report to the Senior M&E Officer. Chemonics may amend the SOW for this assignment in consultation with the employee.

Remarque contact

Recruitment HRI II

Date limite
