Program Coordinator pour FLM |

This position reports directly to the LWF/DWS Country Representative
Or the person designated by him/her.


Key Responsibilities

A- Project Management
- Coordinate and provide leadership to the LWF field programs.
- To participate actively as a member of the (HAITI) Management Team, and as such to be responsible for ensuring that the Representative is provided with timely and professional advice on all programmatic matters.
- To facilitate the integration of cross-cutting issues into the current LWF projects, and to co-ordinate the assigned LWF/DWS projects in accordance with the LWF/DWS policies and procedures as well as donor requirements and guidelines;
- To ensure the compatibility and coherence of the LWF (HAITI) mandate with the social, economic, and political dynamics and changes in the country;
- To provide overall leadership, management and efficient program support to the assigned projects, while actively monitoring the on-going operations and activities, and assessing the different interventions on the ground. To attend to detail while maintaining a clear overview;
- To supervise the Project Manager(s) and oversee all other project staff;
- To undertake rapid assessments of emergency situations using participatory methodologies with other project staff and prepare reports with recommendations and proposals for LWF’s response;
- To develop concept proposals for any new project activities identified for implementation where necessary;
- To develop official and positive working relationships with host government officials, UN and other relief agencies, donor agencies, international humanitarian organizations, local non-government organizations and local authorities, as well as to promote the Principles of Partnership (PoP);
- To develop in coordination with the Country Representative, new program opportunities in line with LWF (COUNTRY) mission statement, vision, values, strategic and annual plans and interests, as well as help initiate new projects;
- To identify resources, in liaison with the Project Managers, from among the affected population and from within the host community that could participate in coping with the crisis, to establish direct contact with the people impacted by the crisis, to involve them in assessments through interviews and dialogue in order to derive accurate findings and to formulate relevant recommendations;
- To develop and implement, in liaison with the Country Representative and the Project Managers, field security and communication protocols, including a viable and active acceptance strategy and evaluation plan, while using and improving, where necessary, the existing security and evacuation policy and testing its appropriateness in different project settings;
- To effectively monitor the assigned humanitarian projects against stated objectives and donor commitments, to monitor project reporting documents, to remind Project Manager(s) of deadlines and support them in meeting these deadlines while ensuring timely dispatch of the reports;
- To perform any other official duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Country Representative, or his/her designate.
- To ensure preparation of work plan and follow-up activities of all projects within time and means allocated.
- To conduct regular Monitoring and Evaluation visits to the field for the successful and smooth implementation of all projects of LWF Haiti.
- To identify gaps in the execution of the projects and undertake actions for the improvement in consultation with the Project Manager and Country Representative.

B- Project Development and Strategic Planning
- To facilitate strategic planning and to ensure operational effectiveness and financial responsibility of the projects assigned;
- To facilitate innovation and to ensure best practices for existing interventions, while actively monitoring the humanitarian context in (HAITI), and seeking out opportunities for future LWF project interventions;
- To ensure that project implementation is based on the Rights-Based Approach (RBA), as well as the use of internationally accepted accountability standards (e.g. SPHERE, HAP), to assure measurable quality in program implementation;
- To ensure critical program information is effectively collected about the projects and timely disseminated, to share information with regional partners regarding the dynamics, new trends and any emerging innovations in the cross-cutting issues, e.g. HIV/AIDS, advocacy, gender, and disaster management;
- To help develop strategic exit strategies of LWF presence as its role and intervention evolve with time in response to changing circumstances where and when suitable;

C- Project Administration and Coordination

- To represent LWF, in consultation with the Country Representative, in an official capacity, to liaise, interact and network with communities, local and national government authorities, donors, non-government organizations, international agencies and other operational partners in Haïti and the field via attendance of scheduled and ad hoc coordination meetings and consultations while promoting LWF’s credibility and image whenever appropriate. To provide accurate and timely minutes of the proceedings;
- To participate in the sectorial tables with the Ministries of Agricultural (MARNDR), Environmental (ME) and Planification (MPCE) and other government entities;
- To identify, in coordination with technical staff, viable and active local nongovernment partners and where appropriate, support partner organizations in delivering projects within agreed parameters;

Qualifications réquises


1. Experiences: minimum 3 years experience in Program Management, preferably in an International NGO and in a supervisory position
2. Personal attributes: gender, community and humanitarian sensitivity. High degree of integrity and professional responsibility
3. Education: Master degree in Agriculture, Environmental, Development studies or other relevant qualifications
4. Professional skills:
 Expertise in environmental protection
 Expertise in agro- reforest
 Experience in project management
 Experience in visioning
 Capacity strengthening
 Experience in monitoring and evaluation (plus)
 demonstrated experience in data collection; statistical analysis; and reporting; including experience with computer-based statistical packages and databases ,
 proven experience and skills in quantitative and qualitative research methods, survey design and implementation,
 excellent interpersonal and communication skills both verbal and written,
 fluency in English required
5. Commitment: to learn quickly and to teach other LWF staff

Conditions de travail

Port-au-Prince with frequent travel to the field projects

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Please send your resume and a cover letter in English by e-mail at the latest by March 7th and include in the CV three (3) names, e-mail addresses and contact phone numbers for at least two (2) who can talk professionally about you.

Date limite
