Health Officer pour HelpAge Internartional Haiti |

HelpAge International is a global network of not for profit organizations with a mission to work with and for disadvantaged older people. We stand up for the right of older people. During the emergency phase in Haiti HelpAge International improved health and lives of over 5,000 older people in around 100 camps supported by the program. The program envisages reaching 10,000 older people within the coming 12 month with basic health care, secondary emergency care and Mental Health and Psychosocial support in Port-au-Prince, Jacmel, Grand Goave, Petit Goave and Leogane communes. We focus at maximizing access to health care for older people living in Camps through integration of health services in collaboration with Health Partners on the ground. This is made possible by the presence of community network of “friends for older people” that work as Home-based Care providers. These identify and refer sick older people from camps to identified health facilities within their camp/commune.


• Ensure continuity of health service in all camps supported by Help Age International
• Liaise with health partners to address needs of older people in Help Age International operational areas
• Provide facilitative support to field medical personnel, partners and supported institutions by Help Age International
• Represent Help Age international to health related forums for coordination, advocacy and speaking on behalf of the older people
• Coordinate referrals and services at CENSHOP hospital, and MSPP hospital supported by Help Age International
• Involvement in the therapeutic management at CENSHOP hospital
• Coordinate referrals to the nursing homes supported by Help Age International
• Arrange for emergency medical services/evacuation in the case of medical emergency
• Carry out regular visit to field locations including camps, hospitals and nursing homes.
• Coordinate training activities for program personnel
• Participate actively to monitoring, evaluation and reporting of health activities in the program
• Participate in project verification with program partners to Help Age international
• Compile all progress and final reports on health in collaboration with the health manager.

Qualifications réquises

• Qualified and registered nurse or medical doctor
• Knowledgeable in computer application
Fluent in spoken and written French

Conditions particulières

Willingness to travel outside Port-au-Prince when required
Haitian by nationality

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

If you are interested, please submit your cover letter, copy of diplomas and resume at
Only electronic applications will be accepted.

Autres remarques

This job description is not an exhaustive list of the skill, effort, duties and responsibilities associated with the position.

Date limite
