Humanitarian Accountability Officer pour World Vision Haiti |
Postes à pourvoir: 3

World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Inspired by our Christian values, we are dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable people. We serve all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.


To lead operationalising humanitarian accountability within the designated sector. It covers all camps and areas operating in Port-au-Prince. This position has been designed to facilitate and promote the needs and rights of targeted communities; to be a representative voice for the community in the design and implementation of the projects at a camp based level; to manage feedback and complaints systems; to provide support to government/interagency coordination to the World Vision (WV) program at the district level and to ensure compliance to international standards. It includes assisting programs to mainstream all humanitarian accountability systems, tools and standards as directed by HAT

Qualifications réquises

• The candidate must hold at least secondary education, a university degree in education, sociology, political science, business or international development
• At least 1 years experience in working with International NGOs with relevant community focus
• Demonstrated ability to work effectively with beneficiary communities, Government and other stakeholders at the district level;
• Ability to communicate and work with beneficiary communities and stakeholders with professionalism, compassion and as a representative of the organization;
• Strong maturity and leadership skills;
• Computer literacy, fluency in English, French and Creole

Conditions particulières

Be able to achieve the following main responsibilities:
• Develop a solid understanding of HA programming in PAP and of World Vision over all.
• Build a technical knowledge base of international accountability standards and initiatives within the sector (through mentoring by the HA Manager) and serve as the Humanitarian Accountability resource person in the sector;
• Development of an information provision strategy in conjunction with the sector staff that addresses basic humanitarian accountability requirements (HAP and WV HA Framework)
• Conduct all accountability assessments and consultations as directed by the HA Manager

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Resumes, motivation letter and diplomas

Autres remarques

Only the short-listed candidate will be called for interview

Date limite
