M&E Officer - GIS Technical Specialist pour Global Communities - (formerly CHF) | JobPaw.com

CHF International is starting up a new program, entitled KATYE. This program will provide a model community through settlement redevelopment in Port au Prince (Ravine Pintade) area. The program is a novel approach to urban reconstruction, and is regarded by the donor and the humanitarian community as a case study for urban redevelopment in complex humanitarian environments.The program also has a critical learning component, which will be supported by innovative monitoring and program tracking systems such as GIS mapping, and impact data systems.


The GIS/M&E Technical Specialist will be responsible for designing a GIS-based information management system that incorporates monitoring and data tracking for program outputs. The GIS/M&E Technical Specialist will be responsible for the following:

1. Analyzing data collection tools to ensure all program data (project implementation and indicator) is able to be put in to GIS.
2. Use this data to contribute to the development and vetting of a HH survey tool to accompany the topographic mapping process.
3. Working with CHF/GIS expert, design GIS system that links to/supports the overall programmatic M&E system and advise database design
a. On an ongoing basis, maintain the GIS system ensuring consistency of the datasets
4. Design appropriate tools and data collection methodologies that support the effective use of maps and data tracking systems
5. Create appropriate maps that are tailored to program needs and capacity
a. Including “as is” topographic maps, parcel maps, neighborhood maps, disaster risk maps, program implementation progress maps.
6. Working with CHF M&E Officer to incorporate project monitoring and tracking systems into GIS mapping and analysis
7. Complete mapping overlays from Geotechnical study, topographic survey, and HH data collection into a master planning map
8. Provide technical assistance as needed in the execution, management, and use of the GIS-tagged data components and analysis.

Qualifications réquises

• Proven experience generating maps/analyzing data in ESRI Arc and Google Earth software
Active knowledge of GIS technology including
• ESRI Arc 9.2 or higher
• Google Earth
• CAD knowledge desirable
Ability to perform the following functions
• Generate maps from provided GPS coordinates
• Using GPS coordinates of parcel locations, create polygon feature class/shapefile for land ownership
• Combine different data sources into single data set (feature class/shapefile/.kmz)
• Use analytical tools of ArcView and Google earth to analyze spatial data
• Generate maps on an as-needed basis
• Physically verify point location/polygon vertices as needed

Conditions particulières

The candidate must be fluent in French, Creole and English

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Motivation letter, resume, copy of certificates

Remarque contact

Please mention the position in the subject line

Date limite
