Resource Mobilization Manager pour CARE Haiti |

The Resource Mobilization Manager is responsible for enabling CARE Haiti to obtain and sustain the level of funding required to develop and implement its programs and operations. The RMM will be entrepreneurial and proactive in identifying and negotiating funding opportunities consistent with the CARE Haiti Resource Mobilization Plan and Country Strategic Plan. Building and nurturing relationships with CARE International Members (CIMs) and donors is a key function of the position. The RMM is part of the Organizational Learning and Resource Mobilization team, reporting to the OL/RM Coordinator and supervising the Proposal and Donor Communications Writer


Responsabilité de l’emploi #1 % de temps
Resource Mobilization Planning:
• Provide leadership and direct support in the development and updating of the CARE Haiti Resource Mobilization Plan, which is closely aligned to the Country Strategic Plan and Program Strategies.
• Periodically carry-out donor interest and focus surveys in order to identify trends in donor funding priorities.
• Identify and monitor gaps in funding for the effective implementation of programs and meeting share costs obligations and prioritize resource mobilization in relation to these under-funded areas.
• Build awareness and capacity among CARE Haiti personnel to be guided by and contribute to the Resource Mobilization Plan
• Establish clear protocols and work processes for proposal development that ensure efficient and effective coordination for resource mobilization and proposal development

Responsabilité de l’emploi #2 30% de temps
Resource Mobilization and Proposal Development
• Carry-out proactive networking with potential donors and CIMs to stay abreast of their future funding opportunities and represent CARE Haiti as a partner of choice.
• Facilitate the CARE Haiti “Go-No-Go” decision-making process for grant funding opportunities
• In coordination with Program Coordinators and other key staff (including finance, program support and HR) lead the development of concept papers and grant proposals
• Ensure that donor funding conditions and requirements are well understood and adhered to by the proposal development team
• Identify technical resource needs for proposal development and where such skills are not available within CARE Haiti, lead the process of contracting/engaging additional support
• For all non-emergency related project proposals ensure they are reviewed in a participatory manner applying the CARE Organizational Performance and Learning criteria (Annex 1) and approved by the ACD-Program prior to submission to CIM or donor.
• Serve as the primary focal point person for communications with CIMs throughout the proposal development process
• Maintain an effective grants tracking system that presents all pipeline and active grants and ensure relevant CARE Haiti staff are provide with appropriate information on the status of grants

Responsabilité de l’emploi #3 30% de temps
Donor Relations and Grants Management:
• Proactively establish and nurture a constructive working relationship with CARE International Members (health, grants) and with current and potential donors
• Collaborate with CIMs to identify upcoming donor funding opportunities and ensure CARE Haiti is well positioned and prepared to respond, when the decision is taken to compete for funding
• Be fully informed of donor/grant conditions and requirements and ensure these are known by program teams
• Maintain a constructive relationship with the finance/grants & contracts officer and promote information sharing within team
• Maintain an accurate and up-to-date grant management matrix that informs requirements, deadlines, status, etc
• Ensure donors and CIMs are kept informed and respond to donor/CIM requests for information as needed
• Monitor grant end dates and ensure proper project closure is well managed, in coordination with program support, finance and HR
• Anticipate the end of projects and work with staff to identify and develop new proposals that build on existing program initiatives for program continuity and program impact

Responsabilité de l’emploi #4 25% de temps
Staff Management:
• Establish effective staffing structure for the Resource Mobilization team, promote team work and integration with other parts of the organization and strives to attain diversity in the eam;
• Review and update job descriptions for team. Support the recruitment, development and retention of high quality and committed staff and that they are aware of and follow CARE policies, procedures and systems.
• Clarify expectations of all team members, in particular of direct reports. Provide ongoing feedback and coaching to optimize performance and commitment, taking corrective action if and when needed.
• Delegate both program, program support and finance responsibilities to appropriate level staff and hold them accountable.
• Hold RM staff accountable for performance, monitors and recognizes good performance and takes appropriate corrective action in cases of poor performance, through application of CARE’s performance management system.
• Identifies and facilitates staff development needs to improve performance and build capacity

Responsabilité de l’emploi #5 10% de temps
External Relations:
• Establishes and nurtures constructive relations with LACRMU, CIMs and donors
• Represents CARE Haiti in relevant forums and networks
• Participates in developing and maintaining good public relations and a good image of CARE in Haiti

Responsabilité de l’emploi #6 5% de temps
Performs other duties as assigned

Qualifications réquises

B.A. degree in social sciences, communications, business, marketing or other relevant discipline
Diploma/course certificate in Project Management and Resource Mobilization
• Minimum of 5 years practical experience in Resource Mobilization, proposal development, grants management in an international organization
• Minimum of 3 years experience in humanitarian and development programming
• Experience with large institutional donors, such as E.U. USAID, CIDA, World Bank, DFiD, etc
• Experience in managing a grant portfolio of at least $7 million per year
• Experience managing grants in an emergency response situation
• Excellent communication skills (oral and written) – English and French
• Demonstrated skills in management, teamwork, negotiation and consensus-building
• High level attention to detail and managing complex relationships and communications
• Strong financial management and budgeting skills, for proposal development and grants tracking
• Strong inter-personal and problem-solving skills, proactive and entrepreneurial
• Ability to work under tight deadlines and stressful situations

Conditions particulières

Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews. The selected candidate will be offered an attractive compensation package with the possibility to advance within the organization worldwide

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates

Date limite
