Program Coordinator, Health pour CARE Haiti |

In response to the earthquake in January, CARE Haiti is implementing integrated initial emergency response activities. Components of the integrated response include non-food item (NFI) distribution, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), reproductive health, shelter, psychosocial support and livelihood support. The Program Manager will lead and manage the integration of Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) across all these sectors. While it has been over six months since the earthquake, activities are still focused upon emergency response. Current activities are focused on implementing the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for RH in the areas where CARE is working. Activities will continue to focus on ensuring the MISP (access to delivery by a skilled birth attendant and emergency obstetric care, prevention of HIV/AIDS, prevention and response to GBV, and provision of basic family planning services) is fully implemented and then transition into a broader and more comprehensive SRH program that includes activities such as community mobilization, access to broad range of family planning methods, and a multi-sectoral response to gender-based violence (GBV). The program will continue to be implemented in close partnership with the Ministry of Health, the UN cluster system, and other partners in order to contribute to the long-term development goals of Haiti and coordination is critical to avoid duplication of services. The Coordinator will lead and manage implementation of the SRH activities with a focus on the MISP and support the transition into long-term development activities. The Program Manager will work under the supervision of the Health Sector Coordinator, will work closely with the Emergency Team, particularly with the Team Leader, will also coordinate with the Gender/GBV Coordinator.


Job Responsibility #1
• Conduct assessments of current situation and initiatives in collaboration with local partners and specialists, with a particular emphasis on gender and diversity. Determine priorities, available resources and potential activities, building on current CARE experiences in local development and decentralization
• Work with the ACD-PQ, other sector coordinators, CARE's Health Program Team and partners and other stakeholders to readapt, to update and implement the Health Program strategy that is designed to address the most critical underlying causes of poverty and social injustice and to respond to emergencies;

• Lead resource mobilization activities for the health program, by identifying funding opportunities and developing appropriate partnerships, and developing high quality proposals and budgets;
• Promote ongoing learning from other organizations and other CARE offices
Job Responsibility #2
• Ensure preparation of appropriate implementation plans for all projects and initiatives under coordinator's supervision;
• Establish monitoring and evaluation plans in coordination with DM&E staff, ensure that data collection and analysis process meet management and reporting needs of the governance program;
• Participate actively in implementation - regularly visiting program operations, partner organizations and related government entities;
• Ensure donor and government reporting (narrative and financial) is done according to high quality standards and in a timely manner;
• Support the project managers in the elaboration and management of the budgets. Regularly monitor the budgets in order to make corrective decisions. Review the financial reports in order to guarantee their quality and timely submission;
• Participate in and contribute to country office wide program quality and impact initiatives and pro-actively use organizational M&E systems and processes (e.g. OPL, UBORA), emphasizing learning and knowledge sharing.
Job Responsibility #3
• Establish effective staffing structure for the health program, promote team work and integration with other parts of the organization;
• Review and update job descriptions. Recruit, develop and retain high quality and committed staff and that they are aware of and follow CARE policies, procedures and systems.
• Clarify expectations of all team members, in particular of direct reports. Provide ongoing feedback and coaching to optimize performance and commitment, taking corrective action if and when needed.
• Delegate both program, program support and finance responsibilities to appropriate level staff and hold them accountable.

Job Responsibility #4

• Closely collaborate with Program Support and Finance departments to ensure staff is aware and familiar with financial and administrative requirements and procedures, plan, solve problems and ensure the most effective and efficient use of resources.
* Ensure budgets, procurement plans, requisitions and service requests are developed and shared in a timely manner for all projects and proposals.
* Monitor expenditures against budget, take corrective action as needed.
* Ensure sub-agreements, MoUs etc are consistent with CARE policy
Job Responsibility #5
• Establish and maintain solid relations with: officials, donors, international and national NGOs, CBOs and other civil society organizations.
• Represent CARE in fora and networks
• Build relations with CARE staff at other CO's, the region and CI;
• Participate in developing and maintaining a good visibility of CARE with regard to governance issues.
• Integrate and actively support networks of peer organizations.
Job Responsibility #6
Perform other duties as assigned.

Qualifications réquises

PHD degree – high level degree in MPH prefered
Medical Doctor
5 to 10 years of experience in program/project management
Exellent command of French and English, Creole is a plus
Excellent management and oral and written communication skills
Strong skills in team management and facilitation
Ability to work under stress
Ability to take strategic decisions
Financial management knowledge
Promotes innovation
Advocacy skills and experience
Cross-cultural communication skills
Technical Skills
• Degree in MPH or equivalent plus extended experience in managing or coordinating public health projects
• Previous experience in medium-large scale emergencies is preferred
• Capacity to develop, implement and analyze health assessments, develop and implement workplans including in emergency settings
• Experience in budget development and management
• Good oral and written communication skills
• Skills in training, monitoring and evaluation of health interventions
• Strong coordination skills with the ability to manage information including report writing and presentations
• Working knowledge of French and/or English are mandatory
• Excellent skills in written and spoken English and French
• Demonstrated skills in program design (including proposal development), implementation and evaluation
• Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills
• Strong representation and negotiation skills
• Demostrated cross cultural communication skills

Knowledge of CARE USA Human Resources, Procurement and Administrative policies, procedures, and guidelines

Conditions particulières

Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews. The selected candidate will be offered an attractive compensation package with the possibility to advance within the organization worldwide

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates

Date limite
