Program Development Officer pour DAI/HRI |



Given the magnitude of destruction and threat to stability in the aftermath of the January 12, 2010 earthquake in Haiti, the United States Government has made immediate emergency relief and support for the Government of Haiti a priority. OTI was asked to contribute toward the reconstruction and stabilization effort and immediately implement programming in close coordination with the USAID/Haiti Mission.

The initial objectives for the OTI/Haiti program will be:
• To support the Government of Haiti (GOH) by promoting stability and decreasing the chances of unrest;
• Facilitate GOH efforts to restore core government functions.

Country program objectives are expected to shift over the life of the program to account for shifts in the political environment. Objectives are subject to periodic review and adjustment through regular strategy sessions with input from the Contractor, taking into account budgetary and staffing implications that changes to the objectives may have. USAID/OTI owns the country program objectives and will document and approve all changes to these objectives. Changes in the program objectives do not require a modification to the contract scope of work.
A grants program is the integral method for accomplishing the objectives and outcomes of HRI-ALK program objectives. Grant mechanisms will be utilized to stimulate the capacity and effectiveness of key government and community leaders, NGOs, and/or private sector entities to provide resources for innovative local activities that will reduce instability, promote economic security, provide appropriate commodities/equipment to vital institutions and community identified objectives. The Program Development Officer (PDO) will realize HRI strategies with the direct development of project activities through active interface with stakeholders, and engagements with key local and national government actors and community interlocutors, and members of the media/communications sector.


• Take a lead role in the development of grant-funded activities and draft, edit and submit grant proposals to the Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP) for onward submission to OTI for consideration and approval;
• Collaborate with Senior Program Development Officer (SPDO), DCOP, and other PDOs in the development of grant-funded activities including engagement with stakeholders, development of activity write-ups and budgets for proposed grantee activities, and preparation of activity proposals through the OTI Activities Database;
• Ensure proper negotiation of terms and conditions for grants;
• Measure grantee capacity to implement proposed activities;
• Provide policy guidance and interpretation for grantees regarding grant-making authority and grant management policies, procedures and practices;
• Monitor and assess the impact of program activities, with a focus on how grant portfolios in specific geographic locations contribute to broader program objectives, through frequent visits to the field and interviews with participants and beneficiaries;
• Inputs to and ensures accuracy of HRI-ALK databases, specifically TAMIS and the OTI Activity Database;
• Keep abreast of national and regional political, social, economic and humanitarian developments and prepare and deliver written and oral briefings when requested;
• Consult regularly with local and international CSOs, donors and government officials active in regions of focus on development policies, political developments and security and access issues;
• Maintain and continue to build a network of local partners, measuring their capacity for collaboration in activities within the context of program goal and objectives;
• Conduct rapid conflict assessments, in regions determined jointly with the program management, that contribute to the development of strategic approaches for contributing to conflict prevention and response;
• Ensure timely written and oral presentation of conflict assessments to DAI and USAID and participate in regular meetings of the HRI-ALK program team; and
• Other duties as assigned by the SPDO, DCOP, and Chief of Party that are consistent with the overall focus of the assignment.

Qualifications réquises


• Four year university degree preferred.

• Three to five years of community development or government experience, preferably on USAID-funded projects.
• Understanding of the complexities and challenges of field operations in unstable areas.
• Experience in development programs with knowledge of systems and office administration; direct operational management of grants.
• In addition, must be flexible, willing to travel to secondary cities where HRI is involved, willing to perform assigned and additional duties, and work irregular hours under potentially hazardous conditions.

• Demonstrated local knowledge of Haitian socio-political and culture issues.
• Previous experience with government collaboration is desirable.
• Good knowledge of grass-roots organizations working on the ground.
• Strong reporting skills.
• Excellent interpersonal skills; the ability to collaborate well in a group and to manage a diverse range of professional relationships are essential.

• French/Creole language fluency as well as strong written and spoken English are required.

Conditions particulières

• None
• Port-au-Prince
• Reports to Deputy Chief of Party and/or SPDO.

This Scope of Work may be modified as OTI-HRI objectives may change.

Autres remarques

Please submit no later than 16h00 on 3 January 2011. We reserve the right not to consider applications received after that time.

Date limite
