Program Director – Haiti-Canada Municipal Cooperation Program (MCP) pour CCHC |

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) is the national voice of municipal governments, representing the interests of cities and communities with the federal government.

The Haiti-Canada Municipal Cooperation Program is a new two-year, $8.9 million cooperation program that will be jointly implemented by the Federation of Canadian municipalities (FCM), the Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ) and the City of Montreal. The MCP is awaiting approval by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and start-up is planned for January 2011.

The MCP will support Haiti’s reconstruction efforts by reestablishing the administrative capabilities of the City of Port-au-Prince and the communes of Gressier, Leogane, Petit Goave and Grand Goave among the hardest hit by the January 2010 earthquake. The MCP will offer financial assistance to these communes in order that they may reopen municipal offices, train employees, purchase equipment and start up projects aimed at rebuilding or rehabilitating public infrastructures. One very important component of the MCP will be the organization of several missions in Haiti involving Canadian municipal specialists recruited by FCM, UMQ and the City of Montreal, who will provide the five communes involved in the program with technical expertise. The MCP will also include support for departmental and national associations of Haitian territorial communities such as the National federation of Haitian Mayors (FENAMH) and the National Federation of local government council or CASECs (FENACA) as well as the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Communities (MICT).

FCM will be the Canadian delivery agency for the MCP and will be responsible for managing the program in support of various program components. FCM will also coordinate activities with the communes of Gressier, Leogane, Petit Goave and Grand Goave in conjunction with the UMQ. The City of Montreal will be responsible for coordinating activities with Port-au-Prince. The UMQ will coordinate activities with the associations and the government department, in conjunction with FCM. A joint program management committee will be created by FCM, the UMQ and the City of Montreal to deal with strategic MCP management issues.

Main objective

Under the supervision of the Deputy Director of the FCM International Department, the Director of the Haiti-Canada Municipal Cooperation Program (MCP) will be responsible for coordinating MCP implementation in order to ensure it meets its objectives effectively and achieves its expected outcomes. The program director will set up the MCP office in Haiti, will supervise a small team of employees and will work in conjunction with the Joint MCP Management Committee and other FCM, City of Montreal and UMQ employees involved in starting the program up.

The Haiti-Canada MCP Director will be an active member of the FCM team and shall protect its integrity and reputation and will support its role as a world leader in the field of international cooperation aimed at enhancing local capabilities and improving governance and growth as well as local economic development.


Main responsibilities
Take part in MCP start-up:

• Participate with the Joint MCP Management Committee, other FCM, City of Montreal and UMQ employees as well as the Canadian municipal experts involved in the MCP, Haitian partners and CIDA in developing the detailed MCP implementation plan.
• Direct installation of the MCP office in Haiti, including rental of an office, hiring of local staff, the purchase or rental of equipment, etc., and coordinate implementation of administrative and financial procedures in Haiti with FCM’s Financial Manager as per FCM accounting and administrative systems and procedures and in accordance with CIDA directives.

Coordinate the planning of activities and preparation of reports:

• In support of the Joint MCP Management Committee and in conjunction with other FCM, City of Montreal and UMQ employees in charge of MCP components, coordinate the contributions of all parties during the drafting and presentation of work plans, budgets as well as semi-annual and annual narrative reports to CIDA.
• Organize Joint Management Committee and Program Management Committee meetings and serve as secretary on these committees.

Coordinate implementation of activities and monitor MCP progress:

• Administer the organization and administration of the MCP office in Haiti and coordinate with other FCM, City of Montreal and UMQ employees in charge of MCP components the organizational and logistic support for MCP activities in Haiti including technical missions, the purchase of equipment and organization of other activities.
• Participate in assessing project advancement as per the performance measurement framework and recommend necessary adjustments to the Joint Management Committee.

Manage MCP funds:

• Supervise budgets for the MCP office in Haiti and approve local expenditures.
• Direct the setting up of the system for transferring MCP funds to Haitian partners.
• Administer disbursement procedures for local projects, including contribution agreements with Haitian partners, implementation of financial disbursements, as well as drafting of reports.

See to maintaining good relations between FCM, the UMQ, the City of Montreal, CIDA and other partners:

• Ensure effective communications between all parties and MCP components.
• Report on a regular basis and represent the MCP before the Canadian Embassy in Haiti, the Haitian Ministry of the Interior and of Territorial Communities and the Government of Haiti.
• Ensure good relations between the MCP and other organizations in Haiti that are involved in local governance such as UNDP, UN-Habitat, MINUSTAH, etc.

Serve as an active member of the MCP team:

• Contribute to the general activities of the MCP and promote its strategic interests and future orientations by favouring the creation of alliances, partnerships and strategic networks that could notably open the way to new possibilities and potential sources of funding.
• Participate in the semi-annual meetings of all FCM employees whenever possible.

Qualifications réquises

Skills and experience

• Knowledge of public administration, municipal affairs, international development or other related fields.
• At least 10 years’ experience in managing international cooperation projects including five in programmes focusing on reinforcing institutional capabilities.
• A good working knowledge of the structures and functions of Canadian municipal governments.
• Proven experience in team work (with employees involved in projects, consultants, volunteers, partners).
• Proven capabilities regarding organization, coaching, assisting in capacity building, conducting meetings and workshops, and excellent capabilities for promoting transfer of skills.
• Excellent public relations and interpersonal skills.
• Proven capabilities for results-based management approaches (budgeting, work planning, management, monitoring and drafting of reports).
• Prior experience in Haitian development projects and an understanding of local governance systems in Haiti would be an asset.

Language requirements

• An excellent knowledge of French including superior writing skills and a good knowledge of English; understanding Haitian Creole would be an asset.

Conditions particulières

Competitive salary; benefits and deployment package provided

Autres remarques

We thank all candidates for their interest; however we will only contact those selected for an interview. All the applications will be kept in file for six months following the hiring.

Date limite
