Accountability Officer pour Plan International-Haiti |

Plan International, one of the world’s largest children’s NGOs, has been working in Haiti for over 37 years with children, youth and poor communities. Following the January 12th 2010 earthquake, Plan Haiti has been implementing a major emergency response and recovery program, including education, child protection, Disaster Risk Reduction, health, livelihoods, and shelter intervention. Plan has three program sites in the North East, West and South East Departments.
Following a cholera outbreak in Haiti during the week of 18th October 2010, which started in the Artibonite Department, Plan has been undertaking WASH, and cholera awareness raising activities in camps, communities and schools. Plan has also worked with its health partners to establish CTUs and train health staff on cholera case management.
Plan is looking for qualified and experienced person to fill the position of
Accountability Officer.


Overall responsibility
The Accountability Officer will be responsible for developing and integrating accountability, quality and transparency management systems throughout the Plan Haiti programme, with a stronger emphasis on developing and rolling-out tools that meet commitments set out in Plan’s Accountability Framework.
The Accountability Officer will be the focal person for engagement with the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership and other actors in the international response in coordinating and increasing accountability to the affected population.

Overall Objectives (scope)
• Strengthen understanding of accountability within the programme team, particularly the links between accountability and M&E
• Develop and help implementation of an accountability plan into the Cholera Response Programme.
• Bring in good practices of accountability initiatives in emergency response into the Cholera response programme.

Key area of responsibility
• Develop and roll-out a Accountability plan for the cholera response project.
• Network with other agencies and key actors on humanitarian accountability to develop joint approaches to accountability
• Provide project-specific support and training to staff, tool development and better integration of humanitarian accountability practices
• Mainstream accountability practices with quality management within programme team and management; ensure M&E tools address accountability issues
• Roll out information sharing guidelines and training to compliment other actors in the international response
• Roll out complaints and feedback mechanisms at all project sites
• Write case study on developing and integrating accountability practices for the Cholera Response Project on a timely basis.

Qualifications réquises

Required skills, qualification and experience

• Strong experience in Humanitarian accountability in an emergency or transitional setting
• Strong understanding of the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership benchmarks
• Strong ability to work alongside programme and M & E staff in support of their work
• Demonstrable experience of adapting / developing accountability tools
• Strong communication skills, with excellent written and spoken English. Ability to work effectively in a Creole / French working environment
• Confident and proficient in the use of MS Office
• Experience of establishing strong working relationships with colleagues from different functions and cultures
• Experience of a flexible approach to managing and prioritising a high workload and multiple tasks in a fast paced environment with tight deadlines
• Experience of proactively identifying and addressing issues
• An understanding of and commitment to Plan’s mission and values

Desirable Qualifications, experience and competences
• Specific Accountability qualifications
• Experience of working with international quality and accountability initiatives (HAP , SPHERE etc) within a humanitarian or transitional setting

Date limite
