Indirect Sales Supervisor (Gonaives) pour VOILA |

Voilà (anciennement ComCEL),, basée à Port-au-Prince, est une société de Télécommunications en Haïti. Créé en 1997, ComCEL a lancé des services de téléphonie sans fil en Haïti en Septembre 1999. En 2005, ComCEL a obtenu une licence pour exploiter un réseau GSM à l'échelle nationale, le lancement de la marque Voilà à couverture nationale. Voilà sert désormais des clients de tous les secteurs économiques à travers le pays. Son actionnaire majoritaire, Trilogy International Partners (TIP), basée à Bellevue, Washington, a mis au point des entreprises de télécommunications sans fil à travers le monde. Le portefeuille de TIP comprend actuellement quatre opérateurs: en Bolivie (Nuevatel, opérant sous la marque Viva), en République dominicaine (Trilogy Dominicana opérant sous la marque Viva), la Nouvelle-Zélande (2degrees) et en Haïti.


• To manage the establishment on a national scale of the network of indirect sales to ensure the sale of all products and services offered by ComCEL
• To make a survey on the market of new areas to be developed, identify the prospects of sales in these areas and elaborate the strategies to apply according to objectives established by the company.
• To participate in the hiring process of assistants for the Dealer Activation Program
• To supervise and evaluate the performance of the Assistants and Regional Coordinator; participate in developing a training program for the staff.
• To develop total budget for the Program, identify the needs in terms of strategies and sales plans according the objectives.
• To maintain regular contact with the Dealers; provide all needed assistance and develop a training program for them.
• To submit regularly to the Sales Director a report on the performance of the staff and make recommendations to stimulate the growth of the indirect sales network for the improvement, the effectiveness and efficiency of the program.
• To be alert to any development or new programs offered by the competitors; analyze them and make recommendations if necessary.
• To carry out any other task at the request of the Immediate Supervisor.

Qualifications réquises

• Degree in Marketing or Sales
• Three (3) years of experience in Sales or Customer Service
• Provide strong leadership and motivations skills
• Strong organization and time management skills
• Ability to supervise staff
• Good command of French and English languages (verbal and written); Spanish is a plus
• Excellent skills in Word, Excel and Power Point
• Good interpersonal skills

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

CVs en Français et en Anglais (Espagnol un Atout)+ Lettre de Motivation

Date limite
