Health System Strengthening Program Manager pour CRS |

On January 12, 2010, a 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, with its epicenter in the densely populated capital, Port-au-Prince. The earthquake exacerbated the already fragile infrastructural, social and medical issues in the country and the impact on Haitian lives and livelihoods is staggering. CRS has developed a comprehensive, long-term response to help those most affected by the disaster rebuild their lives and communities. Built on the foundation of its pre-earthquake programming, CRS’ earthquake response strives to engage and empower Haitians and the Haitian church in a long-term, flexible, and holistic response that considers the integral needs of the population.
The Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) project is focused on strengthening the Catholic Health system in Haiti. Conceived after the earthquake, the Health Systems Strengthening project is a natural extension of CRS’ pre-earthquake AIDSRelief program work, especially the Institutional Strengthening project and CRS’ work in transitioning the AIDSRelief programming to local partner management. The Health Systems Strengthening project will solidify CRS’ support for the Catholic Health system in Haiti, complementing the ongoing work and enabling a comprehensive, long-term response. The project is expected to work with at least eight hospitals: St Francois de Sales, St Damien, Sacré Coeur de Milot, St Boniface, St Jean de Limbé, Alma Mater, Espérance and Clinique Bethel.


Primary Functions:
The Health Systems Strengthening Program Manager’s primary task is to coordinate all activities within the HSS Project and the HSS aspects of AIDSRelief. S/he will provide leadership and direction for comprehensive integration of clinical services, fiscal management and strategic vision for cost-effective, sustainable quality care and treatment within local partner health institutions. In collaboration with colleagues from AIDSRelief, Institutional Strengthening, and Health Emergency teams, the HSS Project Manager will help identify health system needs and develop possible solutions to strengthen those systems. The Program Manager will report to the Deputy Chief of Party for Programming and maintain close working relationships with these other projects.
The HSS Program Manager will provide technical support and leadership in programmatic management and implementation to AIDSRelief staff and partners with an emphasis on strategic objectives, program quality, cost efficiency and capacity building towards sustainability. Responsibilities include the coordination and assistance of timely collection and analysis of demographic and financial information to implement and monitor fiscal systems related to delivery of patient care; working with key hospital staff to provide direction, organization and financial profitability to the institution; assist in the development of institutional procedure manuals and guidelines for improved systems managements at the partner level; review and improve systems to track overall institutional performance in service delivery, cost recovery and patient satisfaction; assist in the enactment of development of faith-based community-based network for sustainable local management of resources for HIV-AIDS programming and community-based leadership
Job Responsibilities:
1. Program and Project Management
a. Work with stakeholders, including local partners, other CRS projects, and donors to coordinate activities and ensure synergy and coordination of program activities;
b. Develop with local partners quarterly and annual work plans and timelines; monitor progress of activities to support successful implementation; coordinate adjustments, as needed;
c. Design and facilitate workshops and teambuilding acitivities;
d. Identify and make recommendations on technical support and capacity-building needs; facilitate the development and implementation of strategies to address these needs;
e. Analyze possible new components/projects under the HSS umbrella;
f. Work closely with CRS/Haiti staff and with CRS’ strategic partners to identify and support the expansion of project tools and concepts;
g. Ensure the project meets established standards of quality;
h. Chair regular coordination meetings; ensure that meeting minutes are distributed to CRS staff and partners;
i. Ensure that CRS/Baltimore, CRS/LACRO, CRS/Haiti, and partners are regularly updated on key activities implemented in Haiti;
j. Ensure timely receipt and review of quarterly narrative reports of programmatic activities from partner organizations; and
k. Ensure timely documentation and dissemination of lessons learned and best practices in program implementation, and coordinate with the Reporting & Communications Officer to produce stories, articles, working papers, lessons learned, and other publications for internal and external circulation.
2. Monitoring and Evaluation
a. Work with the M&E officer to develop an effective M&E system for the project;
b. Ensure CRS M&E standards are applied in the HSS program; and
c. Ensure necessary partner M&E capacity; coordinate capacity building activities, as needed.
3. Partner Support
a. Apply the CRS partnership principles in work with hospital leadership, the Ministry of Pulbic Health and Population (MSPP), and other stakeholders; develop and implement a shared vision for health systems strengthening;
b. Conduct periodic field visits to local partner institutions and government offices as needed;
c. Maintain good relationships and effectively communicate will all relevant stakeholders;
d. Negotiate partnerships, MOUs and project agreements; and
e. Coordinate and/or provide necessary technical and operational support to implementing partners.
4. Budget and Financial management
a. Ensure quality budget management and respect of the project’s budget;
b. Ensure respect for donor financial requirements;
c. Collaborate, as needed, with the CRS finance department;
d. Track and analyze expenditures by line item; anticipate and address realignment needs in collaboration with relevant donors;
e. In conjunction with relevant team members, develop appropriate partner budgets;
f. Review advance requests from partners to ensure they are in line with budgets;
g. Coordinate appropriate financial management support to partners: ensure the CRS Financial Policies Manual is respected; identify areas where additional support is needed, and coordinate any such support; and
h. Provide requested information to internal and external auditors, as needed, and ensure audit recommendations are addressed and closed in a timely manner.
5. Representation
a. In coordination with the Chief of Party, Deputy Chief of Party-Programming, and CRS/Haiti Country Representative, represent the project to existing and potential donors, the Ministry of Health, other Directions Sanitaires, participating partners, HIV/AIDS and community health partners and other PEPFAR Haiti networks;
b. Ensure that donors, the Government of Haiti and other major stakeholders are regularly updated on activities;
c. Foster relationships between CRS and other national stakeholders; and
d. In coordination with the Chief of Party, Deputy Chief of Party-Programming, and CRS/Haiti Country Representative, ensure the ongoing involvement and support of the local Catholic Church.

Qualifications réquises


1. Medical Degree or Masters Degree in public health, management, social sciences and/or related field.

2. Extensive experience with program grant management (program design, strategic planning, budget development and monitoring, reporting, etc).

3. Minimum 5-7 years field working experience in Health Systems Management, especially related to HIV/AIDS programming and working with Health institutions.

4. Experience working with health service organizations.

5. Strong experience in partnership building.

6. Ability to interact with other technical and non-technical personnel, participate in technical forums and represent CRS at technical meetings.

7. Demonstrated ability to transfer knowledge to diverse audiences through training, mentoring, and other formal and non-formal methods.

8. Proven ability to utilize the internet to research, communicate and participate in knowledge-sharing networks;

9. Ability to work as a team player and proactively collaborate and communicate with colleagues across all levels of institution and partnership members.

10. Prior experience working in multi-agency, multidisciplinary teams.

11. Strong leadership, facilitation and interpersonal skills.

12. Fluent in English; proficiency in French or Creole (oral and written);

13. Willingness and ability to travel extensively in Haiti (up to 60% of the time).

Conditions de travail

The incumbent will be provided a shared office work space with desk, chair, computer, file cabinet, and other furniture and tools to accomplish office-based tasks of the position. Transportation for agreed upon activities external to the office are provided per CRS internal procedures and through exisiting shared vehicle pool.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates with the mention of ARS-HSM-1110, before December 17th, 2010. To the following addresses: e-mail:

Date limite
