Data Management Animator pour CRS |

The Camp Coordination Team (CCT) was created in response to the January 12th earthquake to harmonize CRS interventions in camps and facilitate communication between camp management agencies, community representatives, CRS technical sectors, and other relief and development agencies. As the CRS response shifts from emergency to early recovery programming, the renamed Community Resettlement and Recovery Team will continue efforts to make targeted camps more hospitable places to live while working towards a longer term strategy to enable families to pursue more sustainable housing and livelihoods options in communities.

This strategy is called the Community Resettlement and Recovery Program and is currently piloted in Terrain Toto and Christ Roi. It is critical that a data management system is managed responsibly to qualify HHs for the correct assistance package. A consultant will work with CSR Haiti to develop a Sharepoint based data management system.


Primary Responsibilities
1. Daily entry and management of data in the CRRT Data Management System:
• Work with CRRT PMs and supervisor to manage filing system to ensure all paper information is properly coded, organized, stored and cycled through the system (hard copies of application, scanned support documentation supplied by HHs, photos of site, GPS coordinates, etc.)
• Provide feedback to data systems specialist to create an intuitive electronic system to track HHs through the application process
• Respond to requests for database queries from CRRT, Shelter, WASH and Protection
• Assist with the training of data management assistants
• Help generate reports to M&E as requested

Qualifications réquises

1. Degree in computer science
2. Strong organizational skills.
3. Excellent computer skills (MS Word, Excel, Outlook).
4. Ability to manage time, prioritize tasks and respond quickly to requests.
5. Comfortable providing and receiving on the job training.
6. Professional proficiency in French and Creole

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Les candidat(e)s intéressé(e)s sont priés d’acheminer leur dossier complet (CV, lettre de motivation copies diplômes,) avec la mention du poste CR-DMA-0111

Date limite
