Rubble 2 Reconstruction Animator- CRRT pour CRS |

The Rubble 2 Reconstruction (R2R) is an important part of the CRS livelihoods program.

The January 12th earthquake destroyed the physical structure of businesses, equipment, materials and business inventory. R2R will assist 20 entrepreneurs to revitalize their business by providing them with equipment, funds and training to turn rubble into marketable commodities in the earthquake affected areas. R2R will be mainly implemented in the target communities of Carrefour, Christ Roi/Nazon, Mais Gate, Delmas 62 and Terrain Toto (Carradeux). The project will include five core elements:

1. Capacity building programming for target entrepreneurs
2. Small recapitalization grants and equipment provision
3. Introduction to the banking sector
4. Introduction to the micro-insurance sector
5. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to determine how grants were used

Job Summary
Field Animators will work on the ground in community return and resettlement neighborhoods to help identify and support beneficiary entrepreneurs throughout the project period. Animators will also provide support to area CRR teams, partner agencies and other stakeholders to help implement and monitor the progress of R2R in the field.


Major Responsibilities
1. Coordinate with R2R project manager, project partners and area coordination teams to help implement field activities;
2. Identify project resources and research market dynamics specific to each neighborhood;
3. Help select beneficiaries, conduct registrations, monitor progress, and complete data collection activities in the field;
4. Organize meetings in project zones;
5. Provide progress reports on established project metrics;
6. Submit weekly reports on field activities;
7. Work directly with beneficiary entrepreneurs to help them succeed in workshops (including visiting R2R entrepreneurs at their place of business);
8. Provide feedback, report problems, and propose possible solutions;
9. Participate in field missions;
10. Assist in the monitoring of expenditures and budgets;
11. Perform other administrative and technical duties as required.

Qualifications réquises

1. Capacity to work independently and manage time responsibly;
2. Capacity to compile information and develop reports;
3. Capacity to communicate and collaborate with all types of personalities;
4. Interest in micro enterprise, micro finance and economic development;
5. Interest in tutoring and helping R2R beneficiaries succeed;
6. Minimum of one year of field experience in development;
7. Diploma in human sciences, finance or education;
8. Computer literacy (Word, Excel, Internet);
9. Team spirit, collegial attitude.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates with the mention of CR-AR2R-0111, before february 06th,2011.

Date limite
