Cholera Response Project Manager pour Plan International-Haiti |

Plan International, one of the world’s largest children’s NGOs, has been working in Haiti for over 37 years with children, youth and poor communities. Following the January 12th 2010 earthquake, Plan Haiti has been implementing a major emergency response and recovery program, including education, child protection, Disaster Risk Reduction, health, livelihoods, and shelter intervention. Plan has three program sites in the North East, West and South East Departments.
Following a cholera outbreak in Haiti during the week of 18th October 2010, which started in the Artibonite Department, Plan has been undertaking WASH, and cholera awareness raising activities in camps, communities and schools. Plan has also worked with its health partners to establish UTCs and train health staff on cholera case management.
Plan is looking for qualified and experienced person to fill the position of Cholera Response Project Manager.


Overall responsibility
Reporting to the Assistant of Director of Programmes, the post holder will be responsible for the management and implementation of Plan’s Cholera Response Project to be implemented across three geographic areas. The Project Manager will oversee the successful implementation of the cholera response programme and promote collaboration and coordination with community representatives and civil society structures, and other key stakeholders.

Key area of responsibility
• Coordinate the activities of Plan’s Cholera Response plan in the three geographical areas to ensure that the planned activities are implemented on time.
• Plan and coordinate quick assessments of gaps in the various areas and recommend appropriate interventions based on prevailing circumstances.
• Monitor the evolving situation and suggest amendments to Plan’s cholera response plan accordingly.
• Provide technical advice to the staff assigned to the Cholera response intervention and the programme unit managers.
• Promote overall team development and interaction, demonstrating tolerance, understanding and standards.
• Liaise internally with Assistant Director of Programmes, Programme Unit Managers, Plan’s health project/program managers and other key actors.
• Liaise externally with civil society structures among the affected populations, key sister agencies within the areas of intervention, the Haiti WASH cluster, and Government agencies
• Manage the budget, ensuring that donor grants are spent as proposed and within set timeframe
• Manage contract documents (works, temporary labour, etc) and ensure effective contractual performance
• Support the timely procurement of Cholera response supplies, liaising with Logistics and WASH teams in the field
• Plan distributions and work with the distribution team to ensure that distributions are carried out according to plan, post distribution monitoring is carried out and results analysed
• Compile and disseminate regular project progress reports, identify gaps and recommend appropriate solutions
• Conduct regular reviews of interventions to evaluate project progress and recommend required actions/changes in approach to the Assistant Director of Programmes.
• Participate in conducting KAP (Knowledge, Attitude, Practice gap) surveys and prepare the final project report.
• Ensure implementation considers DRR aspects and is according to government guidelines and policies and Sphere and UN/ IASC standards/ guidelines.
• Ensure adherence to Plan’s earthquake response plan and Child Protection Policy.
• Support actions to improve visibility and media coverage of the project, Plan and donors.
• Ensure an adequate exit strategy and integration of project activities into Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) project.
• Support the development of concept notes and funding proposals
• Ensure that all project deliverables and donors requirements are fully met and on a timely basis.

Qualifications réquises

• Degree in Public health / Environmental Health or Sciences or related discipline
• Desirable training / background in cholera control and /or implementation of public health projects
• Knowledge of Disaster Risk Reduction principles
• Sound knowledge of low cost sanitation and health interventions (latrines, solid waste disposal, drainage, etc)

• Minimum 3 years field experience in managing public health / environmental health projects (preferably in refugee or IDP camp settings)
• Experience in prevention, care and treatment of cholera / water borne diseases.
• Experience in setting up hygiene promotion (health education, awareness campaigns, hygiene NFIs, KAP survey)
• Contract management and site supervision experience.
• Experience of collaboratively working with local groups, NGOs and UN Agencies
• Demonstrated experience in community based interventions and participatory planning and training
• Excellent coordination, reporting and analytical skills
• Proven ability to work effectively and successfully in a cross-cultural context
• Strong organisational, interpersonal, and communications skills.
• Flexibility, reliability, cultural sensitivity, resilience and resourcefulness
• Ability to work both independently, and as part of a team
• Needs to have initiative and be able to work with minimal supervision
• Ability and willingness to live and work under pressure, difficult circumstances, shifting security conditions and a stress full environment, interacting on daily basis with staff and beneficiaries who have been traumatized through loss of loved ones and livelihoods
• Demonstrated skills in networking, negotiation and facilitation
• Available to travel immediately and stay extensively throughout Haiti
• Good computer and IT skills
• Commitment to human rights based approaches to development, including commitment to gender equity and to the rights of the child
• Fluent English
• Strong working knowledge of spoken and written French (e.g. able to chair meetings in French)
• Creole an advantage

Date limite
