Video Editor / Trainer pour DAI/HRI |

The Ministry of Culture and Communications (MCC) of Haiti, with support from USAID / OTI has created and equipped a Media Production Center (MPC) within the Ministry compound. The new building houses a full complement of video production equipment, including camera and sound equipment as well as post-production equipment, such as Apple computers and video editing and image management software.

The purpose of the Media Production Center is to enable the MCC to create multi-media tools to disseminate information to the Haitian public, the domestic press, the Haitian Diaspora, the international aid community as well as the international press and media. A highly functional media production center with trained staff is critical in order to disseminate important and useful information to the people of Haiti in support of the recovery effort.


The MCC seeks a skilled video editor who can train several members of the MCC press center staff to import and edit video of news conferences and other media events that the MCC organizes or participates in. The raw video needs to be edited, compressed for different formats and then disseminated via the MCC website, on DVD and through other networks. The media trainer will help the press center team develop and implement high standards in terms of the communication tools it creates to support the informational needs of the recovery effort.

Qualifications réquises

The Video Editing Trainer should be completely familiar with, and able to train MCC staff in the use of Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, as well as the basic tools in Adobe Creative Suite. It would be desirable if this person were also familiar with basic camera and sound equipment and practices in order to continue the training in capturing quality images and sound.

Date limite
