Project Manager for site coordination pour CRS |

Catholic Relief Services, an international non-governmental agency specializing in relief and community development, is seeking highly qualified individuals to fill an opening with AIDSRelief, a dynamic HIV/AIDS treatment program. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is leading the implementation of the AIDSRelief project in Haiti in partnership with Futures Group (FG), the Institute of Human Virology (IHV) and Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB). AIDSRelief is funded through the US Government’s President Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The AIDSRelief program is a multi-year, multi-million dollar project that delivered high quality, durable anti-retroviral therapy (ART) during the first five years of the program. Now AIDSRelief Haiti is preparing for a three-year sustainability plan which involves transfer of key program responsibilities to local organizations in Haiti.


1. Coordination/Administration
1. M&E each LPTF’s activity plan according the Program Strategy
2. Fine tune activity plans with the LPTF’s budgets and collaborate with AR Finance section that plans are properly budgeted
3. Fine tune activity plans of LPTF’s with technical assistance of all the Consortium Members
4. Analyze field reports and compare to activity plans, identify gaps and issues and discuss appropriate measures with the Consortium Members
5. Communicate all development at the LPTF’s appropriately with the Consortium Members
6. Collect quarterly reports of LPTF’s, analyze and share with the CM’s. Provide feedback to LPTF’s when necessary
7. Follow up on recommendations of the field trips of all CM’s to the LPTF’s
8. Finalize the coordination of LPTF’s plans
9. Provide logistic and administrative support to other AR-HT consortium members in training organization, field trip organization etc.
10. Assure the logistics for the distribution of HIV commodities and related materials/supplies to AIDSRelief partner sites.
11. Procure all local and international commodities and equipment purchases for AR-HT consortium members and implementing sites.
12. Liaise with CRS HT HIV/AIDS project staff in maintaining HIV/AIDS library of informational materials and project resources, both hard and electronic files.
13. Maintain individual sub-grantee project files for staff reference and ongoing compilation of all project documents, including up-to-date partner contact list, partner accords/amendments, equipment/material inventory lists, narrative and financial reports, correspondence, etc.
14. Prepare meeting minutes when necessary.
15. Provide necessary coordination and follow-up on AIDSRelief paperwork submitted to CRS HT Finance and other departments, e.g., checks, advance requests, reimbursements, vendor payments, etc.
16. Act as liaison between AR Haiti program and finance staff in the finalization of partner accords/amendments, monthly expenditure reports, partner advances, etc.

2- Program Management:
1. Ensure development of annual and quarterly work plans and activity calendars for each implementing partner and conduct close monitoring to support successful implementation.
2. Use appropriate project management tools to plan, review and track progress on program implementation and utilization of resources to guide staff and partners as appropriate.
3. Ensure timely receipt and review of quarterly narrative reports of programmatic activities from partner organizations. Contribute to and assist in compilation of program narrative reports as needed.
4. Provide programmatic support to the CRS-AR/HT program manager in activities monitoring at the implementing sites level.
5. Ensure the timely documentation and dissemination of lessons learned and best practices in program implementation from partner organizations.
6. Establish an archival system for program documents, e.g., meeting minutes, proposal documents, strategy plans, etc.
7. Actively participate in program meetings as appropriate to effectively plan and collectively coordinate programmatic activities and capacity building initiatives at the partner site level.
8. Contribute to narrative program reports for submission to institutional leadership and to donors.
9. Site management: respond to partner questions and requests.
10. Actively coordinate and organize special events and/or meetings with emphasis on building linkages between AIDSRelief consortium partners, implementing sites and also, CRS HT Community Outreach and Support project, e.g., World AIDS Day, HIV/AIDS Memorial Day, AR Haiti meetings, etc.
11. Other duties as assigned.

Qualifications réquises

1. Undergraduate degree plus at least three years professional experience. Masters degree in public health, management, social sciences and/or related field desirable.

2. Extensive experience with program management (program design, strategic planning, budget development and monitoring, reporting, etc) including strong grants management experience.

3. Experience in community health, especially related to HIV/AIDS programming and working with community-based institutions.

4. Past experience with international NGOS and with USG grants.

5. Excellent skills in assessment, analysis and information synthesis to effectively produce written summary narrative reports.

6. Computer literate in Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.

7. Flexibility and capacity to work under pressure in a fast-paced, security-challenged environment.

8. Demonstrated self-motivation and leadership skills.

9. Ability to work as a team player and proactively collaborate and communicate with colleagues across all levels of institution and partnership members.

10. Prior experience working in multi-agency, multidisciplinary teams.

11. Demonstrated commitment to principles of local community development involving partnership and capacity building initiatives and also, of social justice – all of which directly pertain to program goals for expanding access to care, treatment and community support to effectively counter the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Haiti.

12. Excellent communication and writing skills in French and English; fluency in Haitian Creole.

13. Willingness and ability to travel in Haiti.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates with the mention of AR-PM-0910, before September 17 th, 2010

Date limite
