Grants Mobilization Coordinator pour Plan International-Haiti |

Plan, one of the world’s largest children’s NGOs, has been working in Haiti for over 37 years supporting partners to deliver services for the children and youth of Haiti and communities in general. Following the 12th January earthquake, Plan Haiti is now implementing a major emergency response and recovery programme in three programme areas – Croix de Bouquets, Jacmel and the North East department.


Overall Responsibility

In order to continue and increase Plan Haiti’s programs and services for children, young people and communities and to fulfil Plan’s obligations to donors, the Grants Mobilization Coordinator expand and diversify Plan’s grant portfolio by identifying potential funding opportunities at local and international levels and by building strong, consistent relationships with counterparts in National Offices and donors, and in the Program Team to develop proposals and secure the funding

Specifically, the Grants-Mobilization Coordinator will be responsible for:

Donor/ National Office Relations -
1. Attend donor meetings and establish/maintain relationships with major institutional donors
2. Maintaining communications to/from the National Offices/donors regarding new potential grant opportunities.
3. Coordinating grant related and/or donor field visits; including developing itineraries, and liaising with admin/logistics, in relation to grant acquisition and proposal writing.

Strategic planning -
1. Contributing to the resource mobilization mapping.
2. Contribute to a longer term Resource Mobilization Strategy & Plan (RMS&P) based on the strategy of the Country Office (Earthquake Relief and Early Recovery strategy) and other relevant documents.

Fundraising -
1. Researching grants funding opportunities; reviewing and summarizing funding requirements from various donors and National Offices; liaising and maintaining good relations with the representative offices of major donors and with Plan National Offices grants and program colleagues.
2. Developing grant proposals, in close cooperation with Program, Operations and Finance colleagues and ensuring all grant proposals meet quality assurance criteria. Work in close collaboration with partner organisations to develop these proposals.
3. Ensuring cost recovery of grant-related administrative costs.
4. Review of secondary data and remain updated on relevant statistical data indicators, sectoral studies, governmental and non-governmental strategic recovery plans, thematic clusters and all other relevant documentation on Haiti.
In addition, the Grants-Mobilization Coordinator will provide support for:

Grants management -
1. Ensuring full compliance with requirements and conditions in grant agreements and contracts, in close cooperation with Program and Support and Services colleagues.
2. Organizing, in coordination with Program staff, grant start-up processes including participation in grant start-up workshops, budgets, Project Outline development, etc. as needed.
3. Deliver one-day training on Grants Management for Plan staff and partners, depending on needs.
4. Conducting monitoring and support visits to grant projects as needed to report and resolve grant management issues (eg. Compliance with donor requirements). Advise the Director of Grants Mobilization and Management and Program Director immediately of any potential issues of non-compliance (either Plan or partners).
5. Act as a resource about grant compliance issues related to donor requirements.
Reporting –
1. Collecting data & gathering information to support reporting commitments and requirement, both narrative and financial: assist with preparation of quality, timely reports as appropriate.
2. Producing of monthly & quarterly Grant department reports, both internal for Plan Haiti and those issued by the International Headquarters Grants Unit.
3. Ensuring the Grants Department meets Plan’s standards for transparency and accountability and follows Plan policies. procedures and rules, including Plan’s Child Protection Policy


The Grants-Mobilization Coordinator shall also be expected to:
1. Contribute to the over-all smooth operations of Plan Haiti, including country office meetings and activities attendance as appropriate;
2. Share information, work with other colleagues to achieve key tasks and contributing to the building and maintaining of an effective team work environment;
3. Ensure that all activities undertaken on behalf of Plan Haiti, externally or internally, are executed in accordance with the over-all aims of the organization and in line with Plan’s policies and procedures.

Qualifications réquises

• Qualified to University degree or equivalent in a relevant area (International Development, Management, Finance or Social Studies)
• Good knowledge and experience of Plan approach and Plan global structure, especially National Offices.
• Relevant demonstrated progressive experience in managing grants, especially in emergency contexts.
• Ability to work under pressure, solve problems and take decisions in complex and ambiguous situations and delegate authority with responsibility
• Adept at planning, organizing, influencing and persuading, will have the capacity to build and work in teams, coach and mentor
• Fluency in English is required (French and Creole desirable).

Remarque contact

Plan international is an equal opportunities employer and encourages applications from qualified individuals regardless of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or disability.

Female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

Date limite
