Grants Management Coordinator pour Plan International-Haiti |

Plan Haïti is an international humanitarian, child centred development organisation without religious, political or governmental affiliation. Child sponsorship is the basic foundation of the organisation.

Plan’s vision is of a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies that respect people’s rights and dignity.

Plan aims to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of deprived children in developing countries, through a process that unites people across cultures and adds meaning and value to their lives.

Plan is an equal opportunities employer, committed to the protection of children and gender equity and our recruitment procedures reflect this.



The Grants-Management Coordinator responsibilities include monitoring and following-up on grant related issues related to assigned grants portfolio; as well as identifying grants funding opportunities and securing of appropriate funding, maintaining grants documentation and databases, producing monitoring reports on ongoing grants and supporting field staff to ensure that grants are implemented in line with the contractual agreement.

Specifically, the Grants-Management Coordinator will be responsible for:

Donor/ National Office Relations -
1. Maintain communications to/from the National Offices/donors regarding grants portfolio.
2. Organize and coordinate grant related and/or donor field visits; including developing itineraries, and liaising with admin/logistics.

Reporting –
3. Collect data & gather information to support reporting commitments and requirement, both narrative and financial: assist with preparation of quality, timely reports as appropriate.
4. Ensure that all project reporting and documentation requirements are met (quality & timeliness); with particular attention to ensuring that narrative and financial reports are prepared and submitted in accordance with agreements with the donor.
5. Support the Communications Department for preparing case studies and other supporting documentation relevant for grant reporting.
6. Update and circulate Reporting deadlines and maintain Report Tracking matrix; proactively remind reports stakeholders of upcoming deadlines and report any delays to Director of Grants Mobilization and Management immediately.
7. Produce monthly & quarterly Grant department reports, both internal for Plan Haiti and those issued by the International Headquarters Grants Unit.

Grants management -
8. Produce Grants Agreement Documents (GADs) and discuss them with Director of Grants Mobilization and Management, Program Director and National Offices liaisons as necessary; follow-up of signed GADs entry into the General Ledger; maintain the Grants Tracking System updated and provide support to Program staff on managing Program Project Module.

9. Update, maintain and disseminate GAD/Grant files & filing systems (both electronic and hard copies).
10. Identify and resolve Grant/GAD issues; ensure GADs are financially well-managed.
11. Organize, in coordination with Program staff, grant start-up processes including participation in grant start-up workshops, budgets, Project outline development, etc. as needed.
12. Conduct monitoring and support visits to grant projects as needed to report and resolve grant management issues (eg. Compliance with donor requirements). Advise the Director of Grants Mobilization and Management and Program Director immediately of any potential issues of non-compliance (either Plan or partners).
13. Act as a resource about grant compliance issues related to donor requirements (depending on portfolio of grants assigned).

In addition, the Grants-Management Coordinator will provide support for:

Fundraising -
14. Support the Program staff and Grants Mobilization Coordinator for prepare and/or review new proposals and new proposal budgets.
15. Research grants funding opportunities; review and summarize funding requirements from various donors/ National Offices.
16. Research and update pertinent statistical data indicators, sectoral studies, governmental and non-governmental strategic recovery plans and all other relevant documentation on Haiti.


The Grants-Management Coordinator shall also be expected to:
1. Contribute to the over-all smooth operations of Plan Haiti, including country office meetings and activities attendance as appropriate;
2. Share information, work with other colleagues to achieve key tasks and contributing to the building and maintaining of an effective team work environment;
3. Work collegially, cooperatively, and supportively with colleagues from Plan Haiti
4. Ensure that all activities undertaken on behalf of Plan Haiti, externally or internally, are executed in accordance with the over-all aims of the organization and in line with Plan’s policies and procedures.
5. Perform any other duties as assigned by the Country Director, immediate supervisor or their delegate

Qualifications réquises


• Qualified to University degree or equivalent in a relevant area (International Development, Management, Finance or Social Studies)

• Relevant demonstrated progressive experience in managing grants, especially in emergency contexts.

• Ability to work under pressure, solve problems and take decisions in complex and ambiguous situations and delegate authority with responsibility

• Adept at planning, organizing, influencing and persuading, will have the capacity to build and work in teams, coach and mentor

• Fluency in English is required

• Fluency in French or Creole is required.

Date limite
