Principal of Ecole de Choix, Mirebalais pour FATEM |
Postes à pourvoir: 100

JOB TITLE: Principal of Ecole de Choix
REPORTS TO: FATEM Board and Advisors
SUPERVISES: School Faculty, Staff and Administration

The school Principal shall serve as the educational leader and model of our Choix community, responsible for the maintenance and integration of the Choix Vision throughout the educational experience of each student. In order to implement this Vision, the Principal shall be accountable for managing and implementing policies, regulations, and procedures to ensure that all students are welcomed into a safe, secure and empowering learning environment that satisfies the approved curricula and mission of the school, as well as national regulations.

The Vision of the Choix learning community requires that our Principal is first and foremost a collaborator with the students in their growth experience as individuals. To achieve this objective, she or he will guide and nurture all members of the Choix team and be an exceptional communicator with parents and the Mirebalais community. Inherent in the success of this role are responsibilities for personal and professional development, scheduling, curriculum development, extracurricular activities, personnel management, emergency procedures, and facility operations.


The school Principal shall:

1. Maintain adherence to the Choix Vision through academic policies, procedures and practices.

2. Establish benchmarks for academic performance, working with the FATEM Board and Advisors, and promote high standards and expectations for all students and staff, to include language facility in French, Creole and English.

3. Establish similar benchmarks and processes in connection with responsibility and accountability for behavior in line with the Choix Vision.

4. Manage, evaluate and supervise effective and clear procedures for the operation and functioning of the school consistent with the Choix Vision, including instructional programs, extracurricular activities, discipline systems to ensure an enriching, empowering, safe and orderly climate, building maintenance, program evaluation, personnel management, office operations, and emergency procedures.
a. Includes: interviewing prospective faculty members as well as supervising and evaluating staff performance.

5. Ensure compliance with all laws, FATEM policies and civil regulations. Perform any duties that are within the scope of employment and certifications, as assigned by the Board and not otherwise prohibited by law or in conflict with contract.

6. Manage and supervise the development and continued evolution of the Choix academic program, in adherence with the Choix Vision, evaluating lesson plans and observing classes on a regular basis to encourage the use of a variety of instructional strategies and materials consistent with research on learning and student growth and development.
a. Establish procedures for student assessment and selection of instructional materials and equipment, approving all recommendations.

7. Manage the development of programming for the Mirebalais adolescent and adult communities, including off-hours programs in English-as-a-second-language, literacy, as well as work skills training programs.

8. Establish the annual master schedule for academic and extra-curricular programs, ensuring sequential learning experiences for students consistent with the Choix Vision and instructional goals.

9. Supervise in a fair and consistent manner effective discipline and attendance systems with high standards, consistent with the Choix Vision. Specifically, in this arena, it is vital both to establish individual student (and faculty/administration) accountability and responsibility, while also maintaining the highest possible standards of safety and security so that each student finds Ecole de Choix to be a nurturing, warm and welcoming refuge. The pinnacle of this priority should be the Choix Vision statement: “Each member of the Choix community is responsible for each other.”

10. Maintain and be responsible for any and all communications regarding risk management and prevention. This responsibility includes but is not limited to the following:
a. File all required reports regarding violence, vandalism, attendance and discipline matters.
b. Notify FATEM immediately, along with any and all appropriate personnel and agencies, when there is evidence of substance abuse, child abuse, child neglect, severe medical or social conditions, potential suicide or students appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances.
c. Advise FATEM of employees not meeting their contractual agreement.

11. Maintain an open, constant, consistent and transparent communications with all stakeholders, including and especially parents.
a. Provide quarterly student grade and behavior reports to parents. Post honor roll lists each quarter.
b. Communicate regularly with parents, seeking their support and advice, so as to create a cooperative relationship to support students in their growth at Choix.
c. Represent the school to parents and the community, both local and global, industry partners and regulators, securing support for school functions and activities.

12. Keep the staff informed and seek ideas for the improvement of the school. Conduct meetings, as necessary, for the proper functioning of the school: weekly meetings for full-time staff.

13. Establish and maintain an effective inventory system for all school supplies, materials and equipment. The principal is responsible for lost inventory.

14. Establish procedures that create and maintain attractive, organized, functional, healthy, clean, and safe facilities, with proper attention to the visual, acoustic and temperature.

15. Assume responsibility for the health, safety, and welfare of students, employees and visitors.
a. Develop clearly understood procedures and provide regular drills for emergencies and disasters.
b. Establish schedules and procedures for the supervision of students in non-classroom areas (including before and after school).

16. Establish procedures for safe storing and integrity of all public and confidential school records. Ensure that student records are complete and current.

17. Organize and manage the Choix budget, provide an account at any time request by FATEM; maintain specifically and account for all student activity funds and money collected from students.

18. Attend required committee meetings (e.g.: fund-raising, curriculum, etc.)

19. Display the highest ethical and professional behavior and standards when working with students, parents, school personnel, members of the community and all other stakeholders.

Qualifications réquises

Minimum Requirements:
• Candidate should be proficient in English, French and Creole.
• Candidate must have a diploma from Ecole Normale or the equivalent.
• The principal is expected to reside in Mirebalais full-time.

Conditions de travail

• Candidate should be prepared to begin work as early as Fall, 2010 (part-time) and May, 2010 (full-time).

Remarque contact

Autres remarques

Please note: Only candidates selected to continue in the process will be contacted.

Date limite
