Communication Officer (Journalist\translator) (French-English, English\French) pour HelpAge Internartional Haiti |

Older people face particular challenges during emergencies, but are not often identified as a vulnerable group. HelpAge International (HAI) works to ensure that the rights, needs and capabilities of older people are recognised in all emergency programmes. Emergencies on the scale of the Haiti earthquake generate substantial media interest and provide a unique opportunity to highlight HelpAge International‟s direct response and bring the needs of to the forefront of media attention. HelpAge International and its affiliates are raising funds from supporters in the UK, USA, Germany, Holland, Korea and other countries and through the Disasters Emergency Committee in the UK. Communications material is there fore also needed for these stakeholders. HelpAge needs updated information and materials to use in fundraising and communications work in order to raise awareness among supporters, stakeholders and the general public. We also need to actively generate media coverage for journalists inthe field.


The Field Communications Officer forms part of the Emergency Response Team, which works on the ground in emergencies to assess the situation of older people and to coordinate and implement a response with local partners.

The actual communications work can be divided into three basic categories based on audience:

1. Current and potential donors: Provide print, photos and video content The Field Communications Officer will provide the HelpAge International communications team with multimedia materials to highlight the situation facing older people and their families in Haiti, including older people‟s unique needs and potential contributions. These materials will be shared with the HelpAge International communications and fundraising teams in affiliates to assist with raising donations from supporters.
Such materials include but are not limited to the following:
 Case studies
 Web stories
 Blog entries
 Video
 Photographs

2. International media: Promote and manage coverage of older people and HelpAge The Field Communications Officer will also promote coverage of older people in the current emergency among international media contacts on the ground; ensure appropriate visibility and positioning for HelpAge in this coverage; and manage media interviews, photographers and journalists as needed.

3. Older Haitians and their carers: Disseminate key messages and information to older people via existing and news media and channels The Field Communications Officer will help raise awareness among Haitians about the needs and potential of older people, as well as the work HelpAge International is doing on their behalf. The three key components to this work are the following:
 Media relations: “Pitch” stories to local Creole-language news media
 Public service announcements: Develop and disseminate educational, awareness-raising and advocacy messages via radio, TV, text messaging, etc.)
 Radio show for and about older people: Develop and find a radio station to air a regular HelpAge-sponsored older person show (“Granmoun Hour”).

Qualifications réquises

Job content and key tasks

1. Provide print, photo and video content to HelpAge International's UK office:

 To collect case studies, photography and video footage (or commission photography or video footage) that reflect the ways older people are being affected and the contribution they are making to the relief effort.

 To collect video footage and work with the Media Relations Coordinator to create news stories and blogs for the HelpAge International website

 To establish ways to track the impact of the response over time e.g., following one or two older people affected, doing blogs or vlogs, tweeting on progress.

 To pass along to the HAI Media Relations Coordinator overall assessment and data on the situation and needs of older people – information collected by the Emergency Response Team and partners.

2. Promote and manage coverage of older people and HelpAge in international media

 To identify and develop relationships with international reporters on the ground, and “pitch” story HAI-related ideas to them to profile older people in the emergency and HelpAge International''s work.

 To propose story ideas to the media, offering background information on HAI's work here, case studies and spokespeople.

 To arrange microphone or camera-recorded interviews for nominated spokespeople, liasing with media teams in London and other countries running appeals.

3. Disseminate key messages and information to older people via existing and news media and channels

 MEDIA RELATIONS: Encourage local Creole-language media (radio, print and TV) to do news stories about older people and the work HelpAge International is doing.

 PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS: Develop and work through local media channels to disseminate public service messages for and about older people.

 RADIO SHOW: Conceptualize, identify a host station, and oversee content & production of a weekly “Granmoun” radio show, a combination of entertainment, news and public service announcements geared specifically to older people.

4. Perform communications-related administrative duties:

 To maintain and continually update a complete an Excel spreadsheet of media contacts – international and Haitian – including first name, last name, job title, media outlet, local phone number(s), office phone number(s), email address, dates in Haiti, date HAI story published, hyperlink to story if available, and other relevant notes.

 To maintain a system for tracking media coverage of HelpAge International. Include hyperlinks where available as well as copies of articles in Microsoft Word, sound files of radio segments, etc.

 To maintain a system for photograph and video storage clearly organized and labeled for possible future use.

 To provide weekly communications updates via email (more frequent for important events) on the current situation and the work of HelpAge International in Haiti to the HAI Media Relations Coordinator according to HelpAge's guidelines for collecting communications material in emergencies. The post-holder will liaise with and be supported by the HelpAge Media Relations Coordinator regarding these tasks.

Conditions particulières

 Proven ability to successfully pitch proposals to media outlets and brief journalists

 Attention to detail, tact, diplomacy and an understanding for the need for accuracy and reliability in producing materials.

 Proven ability to write accessibly for different audiences and to edit and proof-read material, including for the website

 Ability to take photographs and video and store/edit material and to commission professionals when necessary.

 Excellent interpersonal skills including ability to advise staff and management on media issues and support programme staff to deliver communications and media objectives

 Ability to prioritise and manage a varied workload under pressure to deadlines

 Experience of setting up communications systems .e.g. database and willingness to be self-servicing

 Willingness to work some evenings and weekends

 Fluent written and spoken English

 Fluent French Desirable  Experience of profile raising online through blogs and social networking sites.

 Experience of working on emergency situations or complex working environments

Date limite
