Environmental Compliance Specialist pour Land O Lakes | JobPaw.com

The USAID/Haiti Feed the Future Programme d’appui à la rentabilisation de l’élevage (PARE) is a
five-year activity implemented by Land O’Lakes Venture37. The PARE activity aims to improve
the resilience capacities to enable households and communities to withstand recurrent shocks
and stresses, while helping them experience increased food security. The purpose of PARE is to
increase the resilience of households and communities in the Northern and Southern Resilience
Focus Zones through the improvement of the livestock market system. Its three main objectives
are to:
1) Improve productivity of the livestock sector in the resilience focus zones;
2) Increase the accessibility of inputs and services in the livestock market system; and
3) Improve marketing and private sector engagement in the sector.
The activity aims to advance livestock production (cattle, poultry, goats, sheep, eggs, and dairy)
market systems and to diversify incomes to increase the resilience of communities in two
Resilience Focus Zones (RFZ) - one is located in the southern region (South Department) and
the other in parts of the north (North, Northeast and Plateau Central Departments). The Activity
will address key opportunities and constraints to increase livestock productivity, facilitate private
sector engagement, and manage environmental and natural resource considerations. PARE will
build upon lessons learned from past USAID and other donor funded activities and will coordinate
closely with existing and planned USAID and other development partner programs and will align
with the Government of Haiti’s priorities.
About the Organization:
Land O'Lakes Venture37 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit committed to helping communities around the
world thrive through agriculture. Affiliated with Land O'Lakes, Inc., Venture37 has more than 40
years of experience implementing agricultural development projects in more than 80 countries
around the world. Venture37 strengthens economies by improving local agriculture, helping
agribusinesses create jobs and linking farmers to markets. It delivers integrated solutions that
help build and improve food and agriculture systems through more competitive markets, more
resilient systems, healthier and more nutrition-secure communities, and more inclusive societies.


Position Summary:
The Environmental Compliance Specialist is responsible for PARE activity compliance with
USAID’s environmental rules and regulations so that the activity prevents and/or mitigates any
potential environmental risks. They will help to determine and set up the activity’s environmental
monitoring system. In accordance with the approved PARE Environmental Mitigation and
Monitoring Plan (EMMP), the Environmental Compliance Specialist will facilitate the training of
staff and partners on the appropriate environmental risk mitigation measures relevant for PARE
interventions and, especially for subgrantee recipients. They will ensure sufficient environmental
monitoring plans are put in place for each grant partnership and that sufficient data is collected
for PARE’s required environmental reports (such as the Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring
Report or EMMR). The Environmental Compliance Specialist will also perform cross-cutting
duties in coordination with the project’s technical, operational, and Monitoring, Evaluation and
Learning (MEL) staff. This position is located in the PARE office in Cap Haitien. The Environmental
Compliance Specialist will report directly to the Chief of Party.
Position Summary and Primary Responsibilities:
• Review the Initial Environmental Examinations (IEEs), Environmental Mitigation and
Monitoring Plans (EMMPs), Haiti PERSUAP, and other formal 22 CFR 216 regulations
to ensure that the PARE Activity is implemented in compliance with the prescribed
environmental and climate risk requirements;
• Work directly with assigned technical leads in the North and South resilience focus
zones (RFZs) and prospective grant partners during the co-creation phase of grants
to ensure environmental risks are being identified and addressed and structured to
appropriately monitor and mitigate environmental and climate risks as required in the
approved EMMPs;
• Update the PARE EMMP annually and when appropriate;
• Develop the required Environmental Screening Form (ESF) and verify the appropriate
EMMP reference for each activity;
• Conduct field visits, as necessary, for the collection of data and information to be used
for the preparation of EMMPs, ESFs and other environmental compliance documents;
• Monitor the implementation of activities to ensure compliance with mitigation
measures prescribed in the EMMPs;
• Travel to the field to complete due diligence on tools development and compliance
issues, trainings
• Coordinate with the Resilient Market Systems Facilitators and technical staff to ensure
the quality and responsiveness of environmental technical assistance;
• Contribute to preparing and providing training modules across partnerships to ensure
environmental risk mitigation concerns are properly integrated and addressed in each
• Act as a subject matter expert with USAID, implementing partners, relevant
government of Haiti counterparts, the private sector, and other public and private
stakeholders in conversation focused on environmental compliance, environmental
risk mitigation, and climate risk management;
• Provide periodical updates to the Chief of Party (COP) on the implementation of the
activities, flag potential issues, and raise concerns on the quality of the works as they
• Develop materials and provide training on environmental compliance and climate risk
management to PARE staff to ensure adequate and efficient implementation of the
planned activities;
• In collaboration with the technical team, develop and maintain a monitoring system to
ensure that all reasonably foreseeable adverse environmental impacts associated with
the project are prevented or mitigated;
• Lead the writing of the environmental compliance section of the Quarterly Reports,
Annual Reports, Annual Workplans, and the annual Environmental Mitigation and
Monitoring Report; and
• Other duties as assigned by the COP.

Qualifications réquises

Required Skills and Qualifications:
• A Bachelor’s Degree with a major in Environmental Conservation, Biology, Chemistry,
Agriculture or other related fields;
• At least four (4) years of experience in environmental compliance or related fields;
• At least 2 years of experience with USAID environmental compliance requirements;
• Excellent analytical and technical writing skills;
• Experience conducting training, training of trainers, and organizational capacity building;
• Ability to communicate effectively, instilling trust and confidence;
• Excellent interpersonal oral and written communication and presentation skills;
• Demonstrated experience working in complex environments, working across different
cultures, and delivering impacts within agreed timelines; and
• Fluency in Creole oral and written English and French.

Conditions particulières

• Experience in Agriculture or Livestock is highly desirable; and
• Experience working on projects with a significant grants component to facilitate privatesector and locally led development approaches
• Familiarity with Market Systems Development or Market Systems Resilience approach is
highly desirable.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

CV, motivation letter, copy of diploma, work certificate

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Remarque contact

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. No phone calls will be accepted.
Land O’Lakes Venture37 never requests money or payment from candidates for any
position type. Please report any such requests to Land O’Lakes Venture37.
Land O’Lakes Venture37 is an equal opportunity employer and an organization
striving to help global communities thrive through agriculture. We consider all
qualified applicants without regard to race, religion, national origin, age, sexual
orientation, gender identity, disability or veteran status, among other factors. Our
culture values a diversity of voices. So, bring us your unique experiences, your
workstyle, and your dreams — they’ll only make us stronger.

Date limite
