Sexual Reproductive Health Program Coordinator pour CARE Haiti |

In response to the earthquake in January, CARE Haiti is implementing integrated initial emergency response activities. Components of the integrated response include non-food item (NFI) distribution, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), reproductive health, shelter, psychosocial support and livelihood support. The Coordinator will lead and manage the integration of Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) across all these sectors. While it has been over six months since the earthquake, activities are still focused upon emergency response. Current activities are focused on implementing the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for RH in the areas where CARE is working. Activities will continue to focus on ensuring the MISP (access to delivery by a skilled birth attendant and emergency obstetric care, prevention of HIV/AIDS, prevention and response to GBV, and provision of basic family planning services) is fully implemented and then transition into a broader and more comprehensive SRH program that includes activities such as community mobilization, access to broad range of family planning methods, and a multi-sectoral response to gender-based violence (GBV). The program will continue to be implemented in close partnership with the Ministry of Health, the UN cluster system, and other partners in order to contribute to the long-term development goals of Haiti and coordination is critical to avoid duplication of services. The Coordinator will lead and manage implementation of the SRH activities with a focus on the MISP and support the transition into long-term development activities. The coordinator will work under the supervision of the Health Program Director, work closely with the Emergency Team Leader and the Gender/GBV Coordinator and supervise staff implementing the SRH activities including the SRH program manager.


Management and Implementation
• Lead and manage all aspects of the sexual reproductive health program activities.
• Ensure project activities are implemented according to project workplan and Budget.
• Responsible for Managing the budget of the SRH projects, as such is responsible to prepare monthly forecasts and ensures the effective use of the funds,
• Coordinate implementation of the MISP by coordinating with MOH and other partners to ensure services are available and referral systems are in place.
• Ensure SRH project staff are well oriented to SRH, gender and their tasks.
• Supervise SRH project staff and Identify areas for SRH project staff training and support.
• Integrate social analysis and action (SAA) activities into staff capacity building.
• In collaboration with the Gender/GBV Coordinator, mainstream appropriate SRH activities into CARE’s core sector areas (shelter and WASH) of the response by using the IASC guidelines for responding to GBV and for gender mainstreaming.
• In coordination with the Gender/GBV Coordinator, ensure that multi-sectoral services are available for GBV including clinical management, psychosocial support, protection, economic support and legal services. These services may be either directly supported through CARE program activities or through referral systems.
• Update mapping of SRH services from the community to the health facility and strengthen referral systems.
• Supervise Consultants and TA organizations such as CDC for project implementation and baseline surveys
• Elaborate Narrative report to donors for the validation of the sector coordinator and work with finance team for the effective and timely submission of Financial Reports,
• Guarantees that all programmatic and reporting deadlines are respected.

2. Partnerships
 Identify implementing partners for clinical training, psychosocial support and establish MOUs as appropriate
 Actively participate in appropriate coordination groups such as UN cluster system, RH and GBV working groups

3. Advocacy
•Represent CARE's RH programs in liaison with partners, donors, governments, NGOs, etc.

Qualifications réquises

• MPH, MSW with RH background, nursing and/or medical degree
• Previous experience in medium-large scale emergencies is preferred
• Capacity to develop, implement and analyze health assessments, develop and implement workplans in emergency settings
• Experience in budget development and management
• Good oral and written communication skills
• Skills in training, monitoring and evaluation of health interventions
• Strong coordination skills with the ability to manage information including report writing and presentations
• Working knowledge of French and/or Creole preferred
• Strong knowledge of MISP and implementation requirements and completion of one of the following is preferred:
 MISP Distance Learning Module, (
 MISP training led by SPRINT or some other well recognized group

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Cover Letter + Resume + Employment Letter

Date limite
