Senior Distribution Operative pour GHSC-PSM |

The Senior Distribution Operative will work closely with the Senior Distribution Officer to ensure effective and timely dispatch of the health products to the sites. S/he will help with the classification of the products by zone and by sites after they have been picked and weighted at the warehouse. S/he will assist the Senior Distribution Officer with the inspection of the trucks before loadings. S/he will assist the Senior Distribution Officer in ensuring that the cold chain system is in place and works throughout the length of the distribution. S/he will also be responsible to do any distribution that will not be done by a 3PL company.


Specific tasks to be completed under this SOW are as follows:

• Once the Requisitions are completed and picked by the warehouse, help in organizing them by site and by program to facilitate their localization in the warehouse for a prompt loading on the trucks.
• Ensure that all the PODs are approved before loading the trucks and having the drivers sign them.
• Ensure that all the products listed in the POD are not expired or have an expiration date less than 3 months
• Ensure that the trucks are loaded according to the logical itinerary for the relevant areas: furthest site loaded first and closest site loaded last.
• Ensure that the cold chain material being used for the cold chain products are in working order and report any anomalies to the Senior Distribution Officer for report to the QA team.
• Ensure that the drivers sign all the copies of the PODs and return one of them before leaving the warehouse.
• Upon request form the Senior Distribution Officer, scan all returned PODs and file in the share folder on the server.
• Make any Emergency distribution that the 3PL companies will not cover.
• Deliver the products to any site that will come to the warehouse to recuperate their products.
• Prepare a trip report upon his/her return, and ensure that any complaints, stock out information, or any other remarks received are included into the reports for follow up by the relevant units.
• Accomplish any other tasks requested by his/her supervisor.

Qualifications réquises

1. High School Diploma is required
2. At least 3 years of experience working in a pharmaceutical products warehouse
3. At least 4 years pf experience in the transport and delivery of pharmaceutical products to health facilities in Haiti
4. Experience with USAID- or donor-funded projects preferred.
5. Good written and verbal communication skills in French and Creole.
6. Basic communication skills in English
7. Ability to handle several tasks at the same time.
8. Ability to travel in the provinces

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

CV+copies Diplome

Date limite
