Village Savings & Loan Project Officer pour CESVI |

WORK CONTEXT/ BACKGROUND: In response to the impact of a deteriorating humanitarian situation in Haiti, GOAL, AVSI, and CESVI will implement a multi-sector response addressing the inflation-and violence-driven economic crisis, improving WASH practices and environmental sanitation conditions to control cholera spikes; and providing protection services to those affected by the recent upsurge in gang-related violence, as well as those at high-risk. CESVI will bring its small-business promotion expertise to bear in the Livelihoods Restoration component.
The project will prioritize existing small neighborhood enterprise owners with grant assistance to recapitalize their businesses, as well as slightly larger enterprises that have been similarly starved of working capital, the project will promote establishment of Village Savings and Loan Associations to generate micro-flows of capital in the most vulnerable neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince.

CESVI Haiti started its humanitarian operations in Haiti in 2009, programming is focused on food security, livelihood and economic empowerment, social protection, disaster risk reduction and emergency response. CESVI Haiti works in over 4 departments across the country. Community resilience is promoted throughout all programming. CESVI works in partnership with community partners; government partners and NGO partners.


The Officer will lead and develop the Village Savings and Loans Associations and foster innovation in the project implementation areas. The Officer will provide technical support for the creation and training of new groups in the designated intervention areas in Port-au-Prince. More specifically, the Officer’s responsibilities include:
• Lead the planning, creation and management of village savings and loan associations (VSLAs), and promote VSLA strategy among communities and notabs. Ensure the quality of implementation and follow up of all technical aspects of the VSLA creation and monitoring.
• Provide technical support, guidance and training for community mobilizers and livelihood officers and stakeholders, and ensure compliance with procedures and sector specific guidelines.
• Ensure that project target for group creation is achieved.

Qualifications réquises

o Ensure that project activities are implemented on time and according to the approved project documentation
o Definition and implementation of project activities linked to the position
o Conduct community vulnerability assessment in target communities to define gaps and to plan accordingly.
o Lead the identification and selection of project beneficiaries jointly with communities elders and local leaders/authority using agreed set of criteria.
o Conduct project monitoring according to expected outputs and outcomes, facilitate quality control to ensure that services provided meet the required standards.
o Conduct assessment on financial service providers, and challenges in reaching vulnerable groups.
o Develop technical training materials, project monitoring tools and written guidance as required.
o Drafting of reports and submission of documentation to the donor (through the HQ) ensuring the achievement of the expected results foreseen in the project document for the related period
o Management of the relation with project’s stakeholders, involving the PM when strategic for CESVI work in the country
o Facilitate linkages and integration of economic development activities with micro-finance service providers.
o Facilitate data collection from savings groups and handle the information management to the monitoring officer and Project Manager.

o Implementation of Safeguarding policies –Adult at risk/Child Safeguarding/PSEA
o Ensuring compliance with Cesvi Safeguarding Policies and full implementation of Safeguarding measures within his/her area of responsibility throughout the projects activities;

- Security Management
o Guaranteeing the respect of Cesvi Security Plan and other rules and regulations on security, in close collaboration with the Security team ( Logistician, PM and HoM )
o Participating actively in security coordination mechanisms present in the Country
o Guaranteeing the safekeeping of original project documents and always ready to be transported, in case a quick re-location/evacuation is ordered.

Conditions particulières

University degree or equivalent professional qualification, preferably in Business Administration or relevant fields.

Conditions de travail

• Extensive knowledge of VSLA methodology and good track record for training and supporting at least 20 groups (min 5 years)
• Minimum 3 years of relevant work experience with humanitarian organizations at same or higher position.
• Experience with and demonstrated technical knowledge on Economic Recovery and Market System and Livelihoods.
• Experience in business development and cash-based programming.
• Ability to analyze and interpret financial data, and present relevant findings to stakeholders
• Able to work autonomously and manage priorities, workplan and schedules.
• Experience with preparing training materials, written guidance and/or narrative reports is desirable.
• Excellent skill in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
• Ability to work with different community members, considering gender, age.
• Demonstrated ability to collaborate and work as part of a team to achieve joint objectives.
• Willingness to work in the field and travel to project sites when needed

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

The file must contain:
A cover letter for the position;
A curriculum vitae with photocopy of diplomas and certificates;
Work certificates or certificates;
A copy of national identification card
A copy of the Certificate of Good Life and Morals issued by the Central Directorate of Judicial Police (DCPJ)

Remarque contact

ONly pre-selected candidates will be contacted for the rest of the process

Autres remarques

CESVI has a zero tolerance approach to any harm or exploitation of a child or vulnerable adult by any of its employees, relatives or partners.

CESVI's commitment to being a safe organization begins with the staff recruitment process, which includes meticulous verification of the applicant's work experience and submission of a certificate of good character, to ensure the protection of children and vulnerable people and to prevent abuse. Backup checks are part of the performance of the selection process.

Date limite
