Safety and Security Director pour Save the Children en Haiti |

The Safety & Security Director (SSD) will work closely with the CD/SMT to carry out safety and security assessments; make recommendations and provide support for their implementation. Conduct Geo-Political Analysis whenever there are major events that might impact SCI operations. The Safety and Security Director will implement Save the Children’s Safety and Security Policy and Standards within the team and help drive systemic change in the quality of safety and security management and contribute to building country compliance with safety and security Minimum Standards. S/he will also take forward the organizational security ethos. The post holder will play a key role in the capacity building/recruitment of Safety & Security Focal Points. The post holder will be a member of the SMT.

The post reports to the Save the Children Country Director in Haiti; He receives technical support from Save the Children’s Regional Security Manager (RSM) based in El Salvador and the Global Security Director and the Global Security Analyst based in London. The post holder will line manage a Safety and Security Manager, a security field coordinator, a security field Officer as well as the contracts with security companies providing security services.


As a member of Country management team, contribute to:
• Develop strategic direction of Haiti Safety and security department and help design and implement a coherent structure that is consistent with SCI practices and appropriate to programme needs
• Help design programmes consistent with the changing security context and operational environment and develop security component of budgets for new programmes and proposals
• Ensure Haiti Country Office complies with all Save the Children S&S Management Operating Standards and Standard Operating Procedures
• Ensure that all required support is provided promptly, at scale and in line with the rules and principles during emergencies, working closely with the Regional Office
• Member of IMT, role in providing support as required in case of security-related crisis
• Ensure Duty of Care towards both international staff and national staff
Policies and procedures
• Develop and maintain country-wide security plan that is consistent with the acceptance model and Save the Children standards
• Ensure that all staff understand country-wide security plan and agree to abide by its policies and procedures
• Monitor the security environment and adjust security policies and procedures accordingly
• Ensure quality and relevance of area security plans
• Undertake reviews of policies and procedures; identify opportunities to enhance security

Security management, assessment and analysis
• Ensure that incident report forms are properly compiled by staff and distributed to Country Office and Region Office
• Monitor events, review incidents and coordinate follow-up actions and recommendations
• Provide Analysis on events nationally, regionally and/or internationally that might impact Haiti context/SCI Operations
• Provide security update, which includes situational analysis, actions taken and actions recommended, to Save the Children Senior Management Team on a regular basis
• Submit written reports to SMT and regional management reps when required.
• Provide monthly/Quarterly reports to Save the Children Regional Office such as PDI, KPI, SSMP, HERP, IMT, Monthly Situational Analysis, Datix cases, ad-hoc security incident analysis requested by RO/Global management.
• Provide informed recommendations in the context of security assessments and reviews
• Assess application of security policies and level of vulnerability of Save the Children facilities; recommend changes to enhance security
• Support HR/Finance/Supply Chain and other Departments working practices within context of safety and security and alert Country Director if inappropriate decisions are impacting safety and security of the team or external perception of the organization, thereby creating security risks
• Liaise with the Regional Office Security and Safety departmental as much as needed.

Programme implementation
• Advise on safe movement of staff, e.g. proper vehicle fleet management policies, adequate safety and communications equipment in vehicles, and training of drivers in established procedures and requisite skills
• Be engaged in all programme processes, since project designing, including budgets, implementation, logistical and movement plans, and go/no go decisions.
• Undertake security assessments of and field missions to programme areas and potential programme areas; report on findings and design necessary improvements
• Provide safety and security support and advice to area managers/Field Managers (FMs) and sub-FMs.
• Will work collaboratively with Compliance, CSG, ASG and risk department colleagues.

Communication and training
• Liaise on a regular basis with UN, government, diplomatic and consular officials and community leaders in the process of gathering and verifying security information
• Coordinate the gathering and flow of security information with other relevant actors; classify security information according to its reliability and accuracy
• Maintain and review incident reporting and mapping system; ensure that up to date incident maps are available for all Save the Children staff on a regular basis
• Ensure that appropriate systems are in place to effectively disseminate security information and updates of the security system to staff
• Coordinate and manage the proper use of Save the Children telecommunications systems
• Ensure that regular security meetings are conducted with relevant Save the Children staff
• Develop and implement security training plan for all staff; develop and apply evaluation processes to determine whether training competencies are met
• Facilitate security management training with staff in the country office and at project locations
• Build capacity of security focal points to conduct risk assessment/threat assessment.
• Provide recommendations to Save the Children staff as to ways in which they can effectively reach out to, gain acceptance from and improve their image in host communities
• Develop security briefing materials and provide orientation for incoming or newly appointed Save the Children staff
• Supporting case management team and providing advice on potential threats and risks to our beneficiaries and staff
• With support from Regional & Global security coordinate and facilitate security training for SMT, partners and humanitarian/development actors.
• Leading and taking part of investigation related to the core policies.
• EPP/HERP - ensure proper implementation of identified measures, leading on S&S decisions, Monitoring of S&S situation and coordination with authorities.

BEHAVIOURS (Values in Practice)
• holds self-accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modelling Save the Children values
• Holds the team and partners accountable to deliver on their responsibilities - giving them the freedom to deliver in the best way they see fit, providing the necessary development to improve performance and applying appropriate consequences when results are not achieved.
• sets ambitious and challenging goals for themselves and their team, takes responsibility for their own personal development and encourages their team to do the same
• widely shares their personal vision for Save the Children, engages and motivates others
• Future orientated, thinks strategically and on a global scale.
• builds and maintains effective relationships, with their team, colleagues, Members and external partners and supporters
• values diversity, sees it as a source of competitive strength
• Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to.
• develops and encourages new and innovative solutions
• Willing to take disciplined risks.
honest, encourages openness and transparency; demonstrates highest levels of integrity

Qualifications réquises

• Minimum bachelor's degree in a related field
• Formal security qualification or advanced security management training
• Advanced level of understanding with the philosophy and mode of operation of NGOs
• Recommended a minimum of 5 years field-based experience in complex and insecure settings, preferably in more than one country with large teams of staff
• Experience in liaising with civilian, police and military government authorities, as well as with regional, national and international institutions
• Experience of incident reporting, incident mapping, collation and analysis functions, set up and execution of an incident warning system (warden system), compilation of security reports and assessments
• Strong analytical capacity, resourcefulness and creativity in developing the role of security within programmes and ensuring the most effective support to line management
• Ability to balance demands of beneficiary and security actors while maintaining appropriate contextual NGO security advice and coordination
• Highly developed interpersonal and communication skills including influencing, negotiation and coaching
• Highly developed cultural awareness and ability to work well in an international environment with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures
• Ability to present complex information in a succinct and compelling manner
• Excellent planning, coordination and reporting skills, with the ability to organize a substantial workload comprised of complex, diverse tasks and responsibilities
• Ability and willingness to dramatically change work practices and hours, and work with incoming surge teams, in the event of emergencies
• Willingness to work and travel in often difficult and insecure environments
• Competency in Internet and Microsoft Office systems including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and other database/mapping systems
• Fluent in French, Creole and English

• Comprehensive knowledge of the context and challenges of operating in Haiti.
• Work experience in Haiti
• Operational experience in highly insecure/hostile and disaster affected environments with NGO,
• Commitment to Save the Children values

Conditions de travail

the role holder will have contact with children and/or young people either frequently (e.g., once a week or more) or intensively (e.g. four days in one month or more or overnight) because they work in country programs; or are visiting country programs; ore because they are responsible for implementing the police checking/vetting process staff.

Reports to: Country Director
Dotted Line: LAC RSD and to GSS Director
Staff directly reporting to this post: Safety and Security Manager, Roaming Field Safety and Security Coordinator, security field officer.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

CV, Motivation letter, Diplomas

Date limite
