Senior Project Manager pour ZL/PIH |

Senior Project Manager
Zanmi Lasante (ZL) is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization that works to strengthen the health structures of the Ministry of Public Health (MSPP) to ensure access to standardized diagnostic and therapeutic services for its target population in the Central Plateau and Lower Artibonite. For more than 30 years, ZL has worked alongside the MSPP in providing evidence-based care and training to health care personnel through the implementation of a hospital residency program after the devastating earthquake of January 12, 2010.

ZL is a sister organization of Partners in Health (PIH) based in Boston, Massachusetts. It is affiliated with other organizations and initiatives in Rwanda, Lesotho, Malawi, Peru, Mexico, Russia, Sierra Leone, Liberia and the Navajo Nation. ZL and PIH partner with leading hospitals and universities, particularly in the United States, to ensure access to highly specialized services and to help standardize training activities.


Zanmi Lasante is recruiting a Senior Project Manager for the Program to “Strengthen Safety Nets for Vulnerable Populations” – Component 2: Access to basic health and social support for residents of fragile areas. The overall purpose of the HA-J005 project, from January 2023 to December 2026, is to contribute to reducing food insecurity and to increase the medium- and long-term resilience among vulnerable populations in Haiti. This will be achieved by (specifically related to component 2): Improving access to basic health and other social services for vulnerable households living in fragile neighborhoods; through cash transfers and complementary services to beneficiaries in the Central Plateau and the lower-Artibonite departments, as well as other areas deemed feasible.

Qualifications réquises

A Senior Program Managers’ primary focus is to optimize the implementation a program with a multifaceted technical scope and requiring specific deliverables to demonstrate success. To do so, Senior Program Managers are responsible for the planning, estimation, execution, monitoring, and controlling of all program activities. Ultimately, Senior Program Managers are responsible for the on-time, on-budget, and quality completion of their program. Successful program planning requires the Senior Program Manager to evaluate high-level technical information from multiple technical teams and create detailed plans to manage the delivery of a program. The program scope may be progressively elaborated throughout the program life cycle, though Senior Program Managers should attempt to keep change to a minimum. Senior Program Managers should expect change and implement processes to manage and control it. The Program Manager is responsible for monitoring and controlling program scope, costs, quality, communications, risk, and procurement throughout program implementation. For the Senior Program Manager, effective management requires generating a team-based atmosphere and managing technicians, specialists, and administrative and operational personnel to work in unison to complete program deliverables. The Senior Program Manager’s leadership style should focus on task delivery in accordance with the overall strategy set by the Technical Director or Program Sponsor to meet the program success criteria.

The success of a Senior Program Manager is measured by program quality, timeliness, budget compliance, and donor satisfaction.

• Seek direction and training on compliance issues from the Boston-based compliance team and PMO as necessary; implement processes and procedures to assure the program follows the terms and conditions set forth in the contract throughout program planning, start-up, implementation, and close-out;
• Adeptly manage the relationship with the donor as the primary ZL point-of-contact, addressing administrative and financial questions, wisely funneling donor questions to internal colleagues, and proactively informing and stewarding the donor to generate a mutual trust and comprehensive understanding of the program
• Maintain the inventory of program supplies and equipment; update with each program purchase and every 6 months
• Follow internal procedures for purchase requests, including creating a procurement plan, filling out requisition forms, reviewing quotes and budget capacity, and signing off on purchases.
• Implement required ZL policies and procedures
• Adeptly use Microsoft Project to manage the program plan, track changes and activity completion, identify and manage risks, constraints and resource utilization, and perform earned value analysis (EVA)
• Submit a monthly dashboard to the PMO; effectively use 75% of the PMO tools; provide secondary support to Finance in timesheet collection as needed
• Ensure that required narrative, indicator, and financial reports are appropriately review by program team members and submitted on time and in compliance with IADB’s standards

• Collaborate with the Technical Director and Technical teams in creating the program’s Technical Approach, advising on how to most efficiently translate technical strategies into realizable activities

Program Managers lead these planning activities in order, with the support of the program team:
1. Define work
2. Define activities
3. Sequence activities
4. Determine interdependency of tasks
5. Establish resources
6. Determine activity durations
7. Evaluate activity costs
8. Create Schedule

• Work with the Financial Analyst to ensure all activities and related expenses are carried out efficiently and in accordance with IADB’s and PIH/ZL’s standards and regulations
• Ensure the consistency, inclusion and accuracy of costs and that they comply with PIH/ZL’s and IADB’s policy, where appropriate; and work with staff in developing budgets for technical activities as necessary;
• Proactively analyze budget vs. actual and projected financials to assure accuracy and assess opportunities to adjust spending for more efficient program success

• Assure quality completion of all project activities
• Under the direction of the Technical Director, aid in the efficient collaboration between the Under the direction of the Technical Director, provide team leadership and management to ensure successful and efficient collaboration between the operational and technical teams, integrating the nuts and bolts of program implementation with the content of the technical implementation;
• Manage communication between the technical, management, and operations teams to monitor and control the program work plan’s execution in line with program’s budget
• Leverage regular program team meetings and monthly individual team member narrative reports to accurately construct narrative reports as required by IADB
• Discusses opportunities or needs to make adjustments to the program work plan with the Technical Director and PMO before contacting IADB officially

• Facilitate collaboration between Technical Director and M&E on indicator monitoring and reporting
• Support the Technical Director’s re-planning of activities when indicator variance is greater than +/- 10% to assure project success and a strategic and efficient use of project funds

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

1. Resume
2. Motivation Letter
3. Certificates & Diploma related

Date limite
