Safeguarding & Safer Partnership Coordinator pour Save the Children en Haiti |

The Safeguarding & Safer Partnership Manager will be responsible for the adaptation and implementation of child safeguarding systems, standards, reporting, monitoring and sharing learning for SC offices and implementing Partners that protect beneficiaries, partners and the organization in general. He will provide career guidance and training for all SC staff in Haiti and all partners and suppliers and ensure that the child safeguarding policy is applied with rigor and professionalism. He will coach partners to set up their own safeguarding system by implementing SC guidelines on the safer partnership


• Ensure compliance with all SG standards as set out in the SCI Quality Framework, SCI safeguarding framework, SCI Safeguarding Protocol.
• Ensure compliance of the Safer partnership guidelines for all implementing partners. • Ensure implementation of the 15 Core Operational Activities – COSAS in SC Haiti.
• Ensure all staff receive the required induction, understand and sign declaration forms within one month of starting employment with Save the Children, supplemented by ongoing local level initiatives to progressively build staff capacity in SG.
• Carry out training for staff, partners and contractors on their understanding of their role in SG and ensure service providers under the SC contract receive CSG orientation. Conduct SG organizational self-assessment for active partners and build the capacity based on the assessment results and the safer partnership requirement including the implementation of the 12 Core Operational Activities – COSAS.
• Ensure that the safeguarding policies is applied in the employee’s day-to-day work. Child Safeguarding refresher training is provided at least every 1 years.
• Ensure that the CSG reporting number is easily available across SCI offices, those of partners, vendors and institutions where SCI supports activities.
• Ensure any incident is reported in 24 hours and all safeguarding concerns, allegations, and incidents are reported, recorded and investigated according to local procedures, and reach the Country Director or HR & Admin Manager.
• Coordinate and support relevant complaint and response mechanisms in place for beneficiaries on CSG concerns with project managers and MEAL team.
• Carryout investigations when CSG concerns are raised and report to the relevant levels. Ensure and facilitate appropriate support as required.
• Manage incidents on Datix- (internal online platform for internal case management.)
• Ensure that the reporting process and responsibilities that SC has are clearly understood by all staff.
• Programs are designed through a safeguarding lens to prevent any harm by program activities and/or abuse from staff/representatives (including volunteers).
• Offices ensure that activities engaging with children and their caregivers have informed consent, are non-exploitative and do not increase risk of harm or vulnerability.
• Oversee, implement and integrate SG policies and procedures across all functions (staff, partners, service providers and visitors).
• Work closely with budget holders to ensure resources are fairly allocated for SG and support to partners
• Ensure relevant guides are developed that complement the SG policy and procedure
• Build the capacity of focal points to ensure responsibility is shared across various teams and structures
• Conduct risk assessments of all projects and field offices to improve quality services together with relevant field team.
• Ensure reports are of high quality and sent to the relevant sectors in a timely manner.
• Facilitate to establish reporting procedure at each location of the field office and project sites.
• Monitor that the quality of SG data is maintained at CO.
• Ensure reports are sent in a timely manner to the required sites and actions clearly outlined.
• Ensure that there is dedicated SG FP who can be supported by others to carry out SG activities in Field Offices and project sites.

Field Offices Role & Responsibility
• Ensure adequate support is provided and a system is in place to monitor and guarantee SG implementation across all programs is clearly understood.
• Increase/develop focal point capacities at field office levels. • Monitor the quality of SG data is maintained at field offices.
• Support field offices on creating relevant visibility materials on SG.

Additional job responsibilities
• The job duties and responsibilities as set out above are not exhaustive and the post holder may be required to carry out additional duties within reasonableness of their level of skills and experience as needed.
BEHAVIOURS (Values in Practice) Accountability:
• Holds self-accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modelling Save the Children values.
• Holds the team and partners accountable to deliver on their responsibilities - giving them the freedom to deliver in the best way they see fit, providing the necessary development to improve performance and applying appropriate consequences when results are not achieved.
• Sets ambitious and challenging goals for themselves and their team, takes responsibility for their own personal development and encourages their team to do the same.
• Widely shares their personal vision for Save the Children, engages and motivates others. • Future orientated, thinks strategically and on a global scale.
• Builds and maintains effective relationships, with their team, colleagues, Members and external partners and supporters.
• Values diversity, sees it as a source of competitive strength. • Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to.
• Develops and encourages new and innovative solutions.
• Willing to take disciplined risks. Integrity:
• Honest, encourages openness and transparency; demonstrates highest levels of integrity.

Qualifications réquises

• Education to degree standard with a professional qualification in Social Sciences.
• Strong experience of child protection/child safeguarding practice.
• 5 years’ Experience in working within an INGO, a complex large NGO, ministry or similar other organisation working with vulnerable communities and children.
• Experience working on investigations and or disciplinary investigations.
• Experience in planning and undertaking training programmes/workshops in child protection/safeguarding at a wide range of levels (e.g. field workers, managers, senior managers and decision makers).
• Proven ability in terms of verbal communication and report writing in English and French languages.
• Excellent communication and presentational skills.
• Demonstrable commitment to Children’s Rights.
• Ability to manage and maximise the benefits of cultural diversity.
• Self-sufficient, proactive self-motivating work styles.
• Ability to prioritise and deal with competing demands.
• Ability to provide long distance support and establish supportive relationships and networks.
• Ability to travel and work within challenging environments. • Be able to travel within the country. Desirable
• Experience leading and undertaking complex child protection/safeguarding investigations and or disciplinary investigations.
• Experience in a role of advocacy or policy work either in the field of Child Protection/Safeguarding or Child’s Rights.
• Experience in leadership, coordination and participation within professional networks.
• Evidence of professional expertise, personal development and learning in the field of child care
• Experience working within challenging environments.

Conditions de travail

Equal Opportunities
The post holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with the SCI Equal Opportunities and Diversity policies and procedures.
Health and Safety
The post holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with SCI Health and Safety policies and procedures.

Level 3: the role holder will have contact with children and/or young people either frequently (e.g. once a week or more) or intensively (e.g. four days in one month or more or overnight) because they work in country programs; or are visiting country programs; ore because they are responsible for implementing the police checking/vetting process staff.
Reports to: Country Director
Staff reporting to this post: 2 Safeguarding Officer- South and Artibonite Budget : N/A

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

CV, Letter of interest, Copies of Certificates or Diplomas

Date limite
