HIV Treatment Continuity Technical Advisor pour Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation |

The assignment presented will be implemented as part of the global cooperative agreement for the delivery of technical assistance (DELTA2), a five-year, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded cooperative agreement implemented by EGPAF. The purpose is to provide comprehensive, effective and efficient TA, capacity building, and program implementation expertise for PEPFAR and Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM)-supported global health activities. Through this assignment, EGPAF DELTA2 will provide TA to the direct COVID-19 pandemic response, and towards mitigating the effects of COVID-19 on ongoing programs and service delivery in Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Haiti, Malawi, Uganda and Zimbabwe primarily through the identification and secondment of Technical Advisors to national and regional response efforts.

The overall goal of this assignment is to provide technical support to Ministere Sante Publique et Popuation (MSPP) to achieve their COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) activities and targets along the three broad areas including COVID-19 response, adaptation of HIV and TB programs, and strengthening health and community systems. The proposed timeline for the assignment is November 2022 through September 30, 2023, with possible extension through December 2023. The HIV Treatment Continuity Technical Advisor will be placed specifically to address identified gaps, needs and challenges in the pandemic response in Haiti, and will work in close collaboration and coordination with Infectious and Communicable Diseases Coordination Unit (UCMIT) and its stakeholders (Implementing Partners (IPs), PEPFAR, USAID and CDC missions, etc.).


Under the supervision of the UCMIT/PNLS Head of Care and Treatment and in close collaboration and coordination with EGPAF, CDC Haiti, IPs and other key stakeholders, the Treatment Continuity Technical Advisor will provide technical support to strengthen treatment continuity for people living with HIV/AIDS in order to mitigate effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Treatment Continuity Technical Advisor will be placed at UCMIT/PNLS in order to closely collaborate with the team.

Under the supervision of the UCMIT/PNLS Head of Care and Treatment, the Treatment Continuity Technical Advisor will:

• Provide support for the adaptation of existing HIV to improve treatment continuity in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic
• Collaborate with the MOH to conduct a rapid assessment or landscape analysis of the current situations on treatment continuity at national, regional and site level to gain an in-depth understanding of the gaps; explore existing interventions/program models and gather recommendations as per MOH guidance, community initiatives and others
• Enhance and facilitate innovative solutions to HIV treatment continuity, viral load testing, viral load suppression and other related services, including multi-month dispensing, community-based programming, adaptation of facility flow, and other innovative solutions including digital, mobile and others
• Facilitate and reinforce existing relevant technical working groups (TWGs) or committees related to treatment continuity, viral load testing and viral load suppression
• Support the monitoring and tracking of interventions contributing to enhanced treatment continuity, increase in treatment growth, viral load testing and viral load suppression and support documentation of the innovative interventions
• Collaborate with the MOH to enhance patient centered care for HIV positive patients on ART, stratify the patients based on their risks, design messages and interventions as per the risk stratification
• Support the national level with new tools and standard operation procedures to support innovative interventions

• Quarterly update meetings with EGPAF and UCMIT to update teams on progress to date, successes and challenges

Qualifications réquises

­• MD/MPH with significant experience developing and managing large HIV programs including pediatric and adolescent-focused HIV programs
­• Significant experience in clinical management of HIV patients including pediatrics and adolescents is preferred
­• Good knowledge and understanding of Haiti’s health system
­• Strong technical writing skills and proper documentation and dissemination
­• Very good command of Microsoft software (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)
­• Ability to speak, read and write in French and English
­• Ability to work independently and as part of a team and exhibit strong interpersonal/communication skills
­• Strong work ethic and ability and willingness to work under pressure
­• Ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment
­• Good knowledge of the region

Conditions particulières

APPLICABILITY: This opportunity is open to individuals currently residing in Haiti. Organizations based in Haiti proposing staff residing in Haiti will also be considered. Expatriate and third-country national packages will not be considered.

All organizational applicants are required to be registered and authorized to perform the scope of work in the place of performance. A copy of valid registration must be submitted with each proposal for organizational applicants.

Conditions de travail


The Treatment Continuity Technical Advisor will be placed at UCMIT/PNLS office in Port-au-Prince. At times, due to current safety and security in Haiti, it may be necessary for the Treatment Continuity Technical Advisor to work remotely. The Treatment Continuity HIV Technical Advisor will report to the UCMIT/PNLS Head of Care and Treatment, with a dotted reporting line to the EGPAF Senior Director, Technical Leadership and Strategy. EGPAF will facilitate placement arrangements in coordination with the UCMIT/PNLS Head of Care and Treatment.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

The Foundation will accept the proposal that presents the best value. All proposals will be evaluated against the following Evaluation Criteria below. Each proposal must contain the items listed in the Submission Requirements. All Submission Requirements must be in English. Please submit your Submission Requirements in the order that they appear below.

Evaluation Criteria #1: Past performance of similar work
Submission Requirements #1: 3 professional references from similar past projects with phone and email contract information and one or more examples of prior similar work. For organizational applicants, include references for the proposed individual.
Weight #1: 30%

Evaluation Criteria #2: Contractor's written explanation of relevant experience
Submission Requirement #2: A maximum 2-page written explanation of relevant
Weight #2: 20%

Evaluation Criteria #3: Monthly labor rate
Submission Requirement #3: Provide your proposed monthly labor rate inclusive of any taxes. As this is a consulting opportunity, selected applicant is not eligible for any employee benefits. For organizational applicants, please include a detailed budget to include a fully-loaded monthly rate for the proposed individual as well as any applicable fees or overhead costs.
Weight #3: 20%

Evaluation Criteria #4: Qualifications of proposed individuals
Submission Requirement #4: CV/Resume of proposed individuals to work on this project. Organizational applicants: Must include the CV/Resume of the proposed individual. Illustrative individuals will not be accepted.
Weight #4: 30%

Remarque contact

See posting on EGPAF website here:

Autres remarques


The anticipated contract type is a labor rate contract with a fixed monthly rate. EGPAF/UCMIT will provide supplies and equipment required to perform the necessary responsibilities/duties.

All deliverables provided to the Foundation must be furnished for the use of the Foundation without royalty or any additional fees.

All Materials will be owned exclusively by the Foundation. Contractor will not use or allow the use of the Materials for any purpose other than Contractor's performance of the Contract without the prior written consent of the Foundation.


DATE: 10/20/2022 – Release of RFP

DATE: 10/27/2022 – Submission of Contractual and Technical Inquiries: Kyu San Shim, Awards, Compliance and International Awards Coordinator,

No phone calls please.

DATE: 11/1/2022 – Question and Answer Response Document posted on EGPAF website at

DATE: 11/4/2022 - Completed proposals must be delivered electronically by the deadline mentioned on page one to: Kyu San Shim, Awards, Compliance and International Awards Coordinator, with a “cc” to Andrea Uehling, Associate Director,

DATE: 11/11/2022: – Final decision announced and Offerors notified

DATE: 11/21/2022: – Contract executed and Services begin

Please note it is our best intent to comply with the above timeline but unavoidable delays may occur.

The following terms and conditions apply to this solicitation. Preference will be given to bidders who can meet EGPAF terms. Any exceptions to the requirements or terms of the solicitation must be noted in your submission.
1. All submissions and/or communications should be identified by the unique RFQ or RFP Reference Number reflected on the first page of the solicitation document. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in non-consideration of your submission. Late quotes/proposals may be rejected without being considered.
2. Participation in this solicitation is open to all legal vendors that are registered and comply with the laws of doing business in the applicable country where services will be rendered. To be eligible for participation in the bidding procedure, bidders must prove to the satisfaction of EGPAF that they comply with necessary legal, commercial, technical, and financial requirements and are able to carry out the resulting work effectively. EGPAF may, at its discretion, require the presumed winner of the procurement to provide a copy of a valid registration certification and/or tax compliance (ie VAT) prior to awarding of the final procurement. Failure to provide this information at that time may automatically disqualify a bidder from selection.
3. EGPAF shall use its best endeavors to ensure that funds provided under this solicitation do not provide direct or indirect support or resources to organizations and individuals that are associated with terrorism, promote or advocate the legalization or practice of prostitution or sex trafficking, or provide assistance to drug traffickers. If, during the course of this solicitation, EGPAF discovers any link whatsoever with any organization or individual associated with any or all of these, they shall be excluded or disqualified from the bidding process.
4. EGPAF reserves the right to terminate the final contract should the selected bidder be unable to fulfill its expected obligations.
5. By submitting a bid, you certify that the person(s) involved in the preparation and collation of quotes/proposals were or are in no way associated or have any Conflict of Interests with the initial preparation of the solicitation, the tender documentation, or the subsequent evaluation, assessment, analysis, management, and decision-making process of this solicitation.
6. The solicitation is not an offer to enter into agreement with any party, but rather a request to receive proposals or quotations from person(s) interested in providing the goods/services outlined in the released solicitation document. Such submissions shall be considered and treated by EGPAF as offered to enter into an agreement.
7. Any quotations or proposals not addressing each of the submission requirements listed in the solicitation may be considered non-responsive and disqualify the applicant from final selection. Any exceptions to the requirements or terms of the solicitation must be noted in the final submission. EGPAF reserves the right to consider any exceptions to be non-responsive. EGPAF reserves the right to reject all submissions, in whole or in part, enter into negotiations with any party, and/or award multiple contracts.
8. EGPAF shall not be obligated for the payment of any sums whatsoever to any recipient of the solicitation until and unless a written contract between the parties is executed.
9. Equal Opportunity Notice. The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS EGPAF is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and represents that all qualified bidders will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
10. All items or deliverables provided to EGPAF must be furnished for the use of EGPAF without royalties or any additional fees. All Materials will be owned exclusively by EGPAF. Bidder will not use or allow the use of the Materials for any purpose other than bidder's performance of the Contract without the prior written consent of EGPAF.
11. ETHICAL BEHAVIOR: As a core value to help achieve our mission, EGPAF embraces a culture of honesty, integrity, and ethical business practices and expects its business partners to do the same. Specifically, our procurement processes are fair and open and allow all vendors/consultants equal opportunity to win our business. We will not tolerate fraud or corruption, including kickbacks, scraps, undisclosed familial or close personal relationships between vendors and EGPAF employees, or other unethical practices. If you experience of suspect unethical behavior by an EGPAF employee, please contact our Fraud Investigations team at or EGPAF's Ethics Hotline at Any vendor or consultant who attempts to engage, or engages,
12. Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment:

In accordance with Section 889 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019, supplier understands and agrees that if awarded a contract as result of this solicitation, it will not procure or use any equipment, system, or service that uses “covered telecommunications equipment or services” as a substantial or essential component of any system, or as critical technology as part of any system under the resulting contract. “Covered telecommunications equipment or services” includes telecommunications or video surveillance equipment or services (including, but not limited to, cell phones, security cameras, network switches, and routers) manufactured by or with components from these Chinese companies or their subsidiaries or affiliates: (1) Huawei Technologies Company; (2) ZTE Corporation; (3) Hytera Communications Corporation; (4) Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company; gold (5) Dahua Technology Company. In the event the supplier identifies covered telecommunications equipment or services used as a substantial or essential component of any system, or as critical technology as part of any system, for performance of this agreement for EGPAF, the supplier will notify EGPAF immediately and will be guided to provide the information required by FAR 52.204-25. The supplier agrees to insert the substance of this clause in all of its subcontracts or purchase orders funded by EGPAF. for performance of this agreement for EGPAF, the supplier will notify EGPAF immediately and will be guided to provide the information required by FAR 52.204-25. The supplier agrees to insert the substance of this clause in all of its subcontracts or purchase orders funded by EGPAF. for performance of this agreement for EGPAF, the supplier will notify EGPAF immediately and will be guided to provide the information required by FAR 52.204-25. The supplier agrees to insert the substance of this clause in all of its subcontracts or purchase orders funded by EGPAF.

Date limite
