Logistics/TPM Assistant pour International Business Initiatives | JobPaw.com

On August 18, 2022, USAID/Haiti awarded IBI a four-year contract for the Evaluation and Survey Services Plus (ESS+) activity.
This activity is to provide technical support for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) services for USAID/Haiti in order to ensure empirical evidence for programming, learning and adapting. This technical MEL support will supplement the monitoring and program management efforts of USAID/Haiti staff, helping the mission meet the MEL requirements outlined in the Automated Directive Systems (ADS) Chapter 201: Operational Policy for the Program Cycle. Services requested include technical evaluation, survey and study support, capacity building and learning events, and in-country Third Party Monitoring (TPM) of some USAID activities in Haiti, which at times is a non-permissive environment. The expected result of this contract is to ensure empirical evidence for programming, learning, and adapting (throughout the Program Cycle) while enhancing both the mission’s and local partners’ MEL capabilities.??


The Logistics/TPM Assistant will assist members of the ESS+ staff on tasks related to Third Party Monitoring and logistics of other tasks for the activity, as well as other logistical support as necessary.

Qualifications réquises

Key Responsibilities:

Provide logistical and administrative support to the third-party monitoring activities, coordinating with the ESS+ TPM and Evaluation Manager, local TPM subcontractors, implementing partners, and other counterparts, to ensure smooth implementation of TPM activities.

Contribute to TPM pre-planning activities, to include online or in-person trainings, implementation plans and calendars, and reviews of questionnaires and other data collection instruments.

Contribute to TPM activities implementation, including first level quality control of all procedures, organize and facilitate regular check points with the TPM firms, communicate and resolve issues as they arise, and track activity progress.

Assist the Finance and Administration Manager in arranging accommodations, catering, venue rentals, and other services to facilitate events.

Provide support in organizing work for evaluation and survey support activities.

Provide other logistical support as necessary.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Key Qualifications:

Bachelor’s degree in Logistics or related field

A minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience, preferably with field experience.

Clear demonstrated understanding of TPM activities.

Familiarity with USAID-funded projects.

Knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite.

Fluency in French and English is required.

Haitian national, preferably in-country.

Date limite
