Hygiene Promotion Advisor pour ong | JobPaw.com

Job Summary

To strengthen Save the Children's response to humanitarian emergencies through technical support on Hygiene Promotion


Duties and Responsibilities

• Support field teams in the design and implementation of a public health promotion program in conjunction with other members of the response team.
• Ensure uniformity in quality and approaches among field sites for hygiene promotion implementation through regular field visits.
• Develop monitoring formats, surveys, and other quantitative/qualitative assessments for Hygiene Promotion.
• Coordinate with the WASH Sector Lead on strategy development.
• Ensure that where possible an empowering approach to working with communities is employed rather than an approach which relies solely on message based methodologies
• Involve affected populations: men, women and children in assessment of the situation and in planning public health activities and the design of water and sanitation facilities
• As part of an integrated team contribute towards planning and proposal writing in order to provide clear objectives and establish indicators for monitoring and evaluating the program.

Qualifications réquises

Background and Experience

• Knowledge of public health and one or more other relevant areas (e.g. health promotion, community development, education, community water supply).
• The post holder should have at least 3-5 years practical experience in developing countries in appropriate community health program.
• Good oral and written reporting skills.
• Good communication skills and ability to work well in a team
• Good written and spoken English is essential. Written and spoken French is highly desirable.

Conditions de travail

Non Governmental Organization is seeking a
Hygiene Promotion Advisor
Position based at Port-au-Prince
Open ended contract

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested parties should send their complete information (C.V. diplomas, certificates, cover letter and letters of reference) before June 25, 2010 to the following addresses:

Date limite
