Project Officer pour OIM |

For overall accountability and predictability of a humanitarian response within camp/camp-like situations, and for the response to be in line with the collaborative effort, the cluster must work together to respond in a predictable and timely manner. The sheer size of the responsibilities of camp coordination requires the commitment and participation of several organizations and agencies. The lead should act as a guide to ensure that capacity and standards are developed to form a comprehensive camp response.


General Responsibilities:

Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission and under the direct supervision of the CCCM Program Manager, the successful candidate will be responsible for:

As the focal point for the cluster, the camp coordinator is accountable for the camp response to the humanitarian crisis. The cluster coordinator must ensure the inclusion of key humanitarian partners within the sector, respecting their mandates and program priorities. Working together, the cluster members will identify the overall requirements in responding to camp and camp-like situations and augment their capacity to meet this threshold. The cluster will identify (and establish when necessary) standards and guidelines that facilitate interoperability to ensure that activities are carried out quickly and effectively.

In particular he/she will:

1) Program Capacity

Planning and strategy development
•Ensure camp needs assessment and analysis involving all relevant partners.
•Identify gaps – assess, verify, and map emerging assistance needs and protection issue; conduct regular ‘gap analyses’ based on verified needs.

•Map and track “who is doing what, where, when”. Provide maps and matrices showing distribution densities and coverage by item, member and geographic area. Coordinate registration of camp populations, paying particular attention to gender, age and diversity dimensions; and updating of population registry;

•Develop “exit”/transition strategy for camp closures. Develop /update agreed response strategies and action plans for the cluster and ensuring that these are adequately reflected in overall country strategies, such as the Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP).

•Select, (participatory) plan and develop of campsites in collaboration with national actors. Ensure camp designs supports protection and assistance of men, women, boys and girls. Ensure that strategies are developed to support and strengthen the camp residents’ livelihoods.

•Conduct contingency planning based on worst-case and most likely scenarios in terms of population movements. Enact environment protection and mitigation of negative impacts on ecological habitats.

•Support the national government/authorities, where possible, in implementing their activities and upholding them to their obligations that meet the identified priority needs.

•Ensure integration of agreed priority cross-cutting issues in sectoral needs assessment, analysis, planning, monitoring and response (e.g. age, diversity, environment, gender, HIV/AIDS and human rights); contribute to the development of appropriate strategies to address these issues; ensure gender sensitive programming and promote gender equality; ensure that the needs, contributions and capacities of women and girls as well as men and boys are addressed.

•Ensure the CCCM Cluster maps out the operational requirements for a camp response; and identify and establish (where necessary) standards and guidelines that facilitate interoperability to ensure that activities are carried out.

Application of standards
•Adapt relevant policies and guidelines and technical standards to context of crisis.
•Ensure that cluster members are aware of relevant policy guidelines and technical standards.
•Ensure that responses are in line with existing policy guidance and technical standards and relevant government, human rights, and legal obligations.

Monitoring and reporting
•Ensure adequate monitoring mechanisms are in place to review impact of the cluster and progress against implementation plans.
•Ensure adequate reporting and effective information sharing amongst all partners including camp managers, other sector leads and OCHA, disaggregating age and sex data.

2) National/local authorities, State institutions, local civil society and other relevant actors

•Ensure that humanitarian responses build on local capacities, context specific strengths and national response capabilities.

•Ensure appropriate links with national and local authorities/local community leaders, State institutions, local civil society and other relevant actors (e.g. peacekeeping forces) and ensure appropriate relations in order to promote service delivery, security and dignified living conditions, coordination and information exchange with them.

•Promote the capacity building of relevant authorities where deemed necessary.

3)Protection Capacity

•Facilitate the provision of security and law enforcement by the national authorities and other relevant actors such as civilian police components of peacekeeping missions, as well as through the establishment of camp watch teams (if necessary in cooperation with the national sector lead for protection).

•Organize affected population’s participation in camp governance and community mobilization with particular emphasis on women’s decision-making role and on persons with specific needs (such as the elderly and the physically-challenged).

•Ensure transparent camp governance and effective access to justice for camp residents that conforms to relevant human rights standards.

4)Advocacy & Resource Mobilization

•With the assistance of the Humanitarian Coordinator, advocate for the mobilization of resources;

•In close coordination with the sector lead agency at the global level, assist the Humanitarian Coordinator in the establishment of a resource mobilization strategy face to donors present in the country;

•Promote strategies to build up and strengthen confidence within camps and between camp residents and surrounding communities;
•Identify core advocacy concerns at the national level and contribute key messages to broader, multi-sectoral advocacy initiatives;
•Maintain donor relations and facilitate donor missions;

•Advocate with authorities to ensure that aid workers working in camps are able to conduct their work independently and in an environment that allows for confidentiality of sensitive information;
•Represent the interests of the cluster in discussions with the Humanitarian Coordinator on prioritization, resource mobilization and advocacy;
•Advocate for donors to fund cluster members to carry out priority activities in the sector concerned, while at the same time encouraging cluster members to mobilize resources for their activities through their usual channels;

5)Preparedness and Training Capacity

•Promote and support relevant trainings in camp management for NGOs, UN agencies, local government officials and members of displaced and host communities;
•Support efforts to strengthen the capacity of the national authorities and civil society;

6) Phase-out and Rehabilitation Capacity

•Consolidate and down-size camps as needed.

•Activate camp closure and rehabilitation of areas formerly occupied by camps, including the development of appropriate camp closure guidance and policies addressing relevant issues including questions of compensation to private landowners and disposal of assets such as water pumps, shelter materials etc...

•Ensure integration of CCCM response elements into transition and early recovery Frameworks.

•Support IDPs to move out of spontaneous camps into more sustainable solutions.

7) Coordination
•Ensure appropriate coordination with all humanitarian partners (including national and international NGOs, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, IOM and other international organizations), as well as with national authorities and local structures. Integrate assistance from global level clusters as needed.
•Ensure the establishment/maintenance of appropriate sectoral coordination mechanisms, including working groups at the national and, if necessary, local level.
•Coordinate activities conducted by national staff in camps.
•Define the nature and extent of overlap and coordination between camp management and other clusters particularly shelter, protection and WASH.

•Ensure effective and efficient camp management in areas where IOM is acting as Camp Manager of last resort.

•Report to IOM colleagues and cluster members and donors the developments on camp situation.

• Contribute with inputs for Cluster meetings.

Qualifications réquises

Desirable Qualifications

Education and Experience

a) University degree, preferably in Political or Social Science, International Relations and/or Law, or an equivalent combination of relevant training and experience, preferably in post-conflict situations; b) five years of operational and field experience in program formulation, implementation and evaluation; including experience in the field of humanitarian, at an international level and in complex emergencies; c) experience in liaising with governmental authorities, other national/international institutions; d) work experience in camp management and community mobilization.

Conditions particulières

Thorough knowledge of English and French.

Conditions de travail


a) Excellent writing, communication and negotiation skills; ability to prepare clear and concise reports; b) strong strategic and creative thinking; c) effective resource management and mobilization skills; good knowledge of financial and administrative management; d) excellent analytical skills and demonstrated skills in performing complex analyses on a wide range of factors, requirements, policies and priorities for the assessment and implementation of projects; e) excellent trouble-shooting and problem solving skills; f) ability to supervise and direct staff; g) personal commitment, drive for results, efficiency, flexibility; h) demonstrated gender awareness and gender sensitivity; i) ability to work effectively and harmoniously in a team and with colleagues from varied cultures and professional backgrounds; j) good level of computer literacy, including database applications.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Cover letter, resume, reference letters, copy of diploma and certificate.

Autres remarques

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications to by May 15, 2010 at the latest, referring to this advertisement.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Date limite
