Assessment And Monitoring Agent pour HelpAge Internartional Haiti |

HelpAge International is a global network of not for profit organisations with a mission to work with and for disadvantaged older people. HelpAge International has a vision of a world where older people fulfill their potential to lead active, dignified, healthy and secure lives. With more than 70 affiliates and 300 partners across more than 50 countries the HelpAge International network brings together hundreds of organisations. HelpAge International has a secretariat with offices in London and Brussels, regional centres in Africa, South Asia, East Asia, Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, seven national programmes and a number of emergencies programmes.

Following the earthquake in Haiti on 12 January, HelpAge launched an emergency response in Haiti and is committed to extending this into a longer term recovery and rehabilitation programme in support of older people in Haiti.


The Assessment and Monitoring Agent will be gathering information relating to humanitarian needs of older people affected by the earthquake. They will contribute to the design of the assessment and monitoring forms to be used in the field by the A&M team. They will follow rigorously the methodology defined for all assessment and monitoring activities carried out in the field. They will complete questionnaires developped for assessment activities. Occasionally, they will participate in the data entry of the information collected in the field.

Qualifications réquises

Applicants must have at least 2 years experience in a similar type post.You should have sound understanding of the issues of social marginalisation of vulnerable people in disaster situations, and ideally will have some field experience of emergency and disaster response activities. Good written and spoken Creole and English are essential for this role, as is the ability to be flexible and responsive to changing needs. Experience of working in International NGO's is highly desirable.

Date limite
