Journalist/Translator pour HelpAge Internartional Haiti |

A massive 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck the Caribbean country of Haiti on January 12 2010. The extent of the devastation is still not clear but news reports indicate hundreds of thousands of people may have died. Older people face particular challenges during emergencies, but are not often identified as a vulnerable group. HelpAge International (HAI) works to ensure that the rights, needs and capabilities of older people are recognised in all emergency programmes.
Emergencies on the scale of the Haiti earthquake generate substantial media interest and provide a unique opportunity to highlight HelpAge International’s direct response and bring the needs of to the forefront of media attention. HelpAge International and its affiliates are raising funds from supporters in the UK, USA, Germany, Holland, Korea and other countries and through the Disasters Emergency Committee in the UK. Communications material is there fore also needed for these stakeholders.
HelpAge needs updated information and materials to use in fundraising and communications work in order to raise awareness among supporters, stakeholders and the general public. We also need to actively generate media coverage for journalists inthe field.


The Field Communications Officer will provide HelpAge International’s communication team with multimedia materials to highlight the situation facing older people and their families in Haiti, including older people’s unique needs and potential contributions. He will also promote coverage of older people in the current emergency among international media contacts on the ground; ensure appropriate visibility and positioning HelpAge in this coverage; and manage media interviews, photographers and journalists as needed. The Field Communication Officer will also help raise awareness among Haitians about the needs and potential of older people, as well as the work HelpAge International is doing on their behalf.

Qualifications réquises

Candidates must have at least 10 years experience in journalist/communicator type post. You must have a proven ability to pitch proposals to media outlets and brief journalists. You must pay special attention to detail, have tact and have the ability to be diplomatic. You should have sound understanding of the issues of social marginalisation of vulnerable people in disaster situations, and ideally will have some field experience of emergency and disaster response activities. Applicants must have excellent communications and interpersonal skills. You must have the ability to prioritise and manage a varied workload under pressure. Excellent written and spoken French and English are essential for this role.

Date limite
