Cash/Food for Work Technical Project Manager pour CRS |

Manage technical oversight of CRS Haiti’s Cash/Food for Work Infrastructure improvement activities from programming, monitoring, and reporting


• Work with Cash/Food for Work Infrastructure program team sub grant proposal submissions for appropriateness and applicability.
• Advise group on the technical feasibility of Cash/food for Work Infrastructure project proposal submissions.
• Work with co-Technical Manager to assure proper attention to Environmental Impact Mitigations is addressed in the design of all projects.
• Visit all implementation sites for sub-grant activities as needed to assure progress, correct and timely reporting and program compliance.
• Work in close cooperation with the Program Manager and the co-Technical Project Manager to assure a broad follow through of all program activities.
• Attend coordination meetings on Infrastructure CFW/FFW with Government of Haiti, USAID, UN and other organizations carrying out activities (meeting monthly and on an ad hoc basis based upon need)

Internal – Strong and constant work with CFW/FFW Infrastructure team and particular other contacts with Program Managers on Infrastructure Program issues such as the coordination of visits to projects, conflict and problem resolution.

External – USAID, Sub grant holders, Counterparts, and other Infrastructure Program (non USAID) implementing institutions.

Manage CFW/FFW Infrastructure Program activities:
? Ensure proper project management of partner-implemented projects, including sound project design, budget development, and monitoring and evaluation system.
? Assure all aspects of program implementation, particularly integration in MYAP and SYAP projects. Includes close coordination and supervision of program field activities and logistics.
? Ensure efficient and sound project implementation methodology.

Assist in representation of CFW/FFW Infrastructure Program to:
? Government of Haiti (Central, Departmental, local level)
? Validation committee
? Catholic Church (Diocesan Caritas)
? Donor agencies (USAID/FFP)
? International organizations and NGOS.
? Other program partners.

Qualifications réquises

? College degree or equivalent in civil engineering, rural engineering, or agronomy;
? 2 to 3 years experience working in the field of engineering;
? Personnel supervision experience required;
? Some development program management experience desired;
? Excellent oral and writing capacity in French and Creole and strong spoken English required; and report and proposal writing experience a plus.
? Excellent facilitation, communication and animation skills for community level partners and beneficiaries;
? Good understanding of standard computer programs: Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook;
? Ability to travel to the field up to 75% of the time;
? Flexibility and capacity to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment;
? Demonstrate self-motivation, team playing and leadership skills.
? Overtime will be required at times to achieve program objectives

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates in a sealed envelope with the mention of S-CFWTPM-0410, before May 07th, 2010.

Date limite
